
Cumartesi, Ekim 20, 2007
Link / Bilgi - Renklerin isimleri
Bir arkadaş oturmuş tüm renklere isim vermiş, gerçi bir çok erkek için faydasız bir çaba (mavi mavidir, yok okyanus bilmem nesi, yok cam göbeği, kırmızı kırmızıdır, yeşil yeşildir, toplam yedi tane renk vardır, işte o kadar)
Ama kadınlar için bu site çok faydalı olur herhalde, her kadın aynı renkten bahsediyor olabilir artık ...
Bunların bilgisayarda görüntülenebilmesi için de karışım miktarları her renk adı için belirtilmiş.
Artık “şekerim ben Deep Blush pembe bir elbise aldım” dediği zaman diğer tarafta bunu dinleyen veya okuyan, şekeri olan kişi bu rengi bilgisayarında yapabilir... o la la
Eski Foto - Jack Built'in evi
Bilgi - Google'da aradığınızı en kolay bulmanın 10 yolu (Ing.)
Google is a very sophisticated search engine, but most users don’t use its full power. The average user enters a keyword or two into Google’s search box, clicks the Search button, and waits for Google to display the first page of search results. This is a rather brute-force method of searching, unfortunately, and typically generates a ton of mostly unwanted results.
There is a better way to search—one that generates a smaller, more targeted list of results. All you have to do is implement a few simple tips, and you’ll soon be generating more and better Google search results.
Tip #1: Use the Correct Methodology
Whether you’re conducting a basic or advanced Google search, there is a certain methodology you should employ. Follow the proper method and you’ll get very targeted results; ignore this advice and you’ll either get a ton of irrelevant results or a dearth of relevant ones.
While there are many different (and equally valid) approaches to web searching, I guarantee that this particular approach will generate excellent results. It’s a six-step process that looks like this:
- Start by thinking about what you want to find. What words best describe the information or concept you’re looking for? What alternate words might you use instead? Are there any words that can be excluded from your search to better define your query?
- Construct your query. Use as many keywords as you need; the more the better. If at all possible, try to refine your search with the appropriate search operators—or, if your prefer, with the Advanced Search page.
- Click the Search button to perform the search.
- Evaluate the matches on the Search Results page. If the initial results are not to your liking, refine your query and search again—or refine your search by switching to a more appropriate search site.
- Select those matching pages that you wish to view and begin clicking through to those pages.
- Save the information that best meets your needs.
In other words, it pays to think before you search—and to continue to refine your search after you obtain the initial results. The extra effort is slight, and well worth it.
Tip #2: Conduct an "Either/Or" Search
Most users aren’t aware that Google automatically assumes the word "and" between all the words in a query. That is, if you enter two words, it assumes you’re looking for pages that include both those words—word one and word two. It doesn’t return pages that include only one or the other of the words
The upshot is that you don’t have to enter the word "and" in your query. If you’re searching for Bob and Ted, all you have to enter is bob ted. Google assumes the "and," and automatically includes it in its internal index search.
This is different from assuming the word "or" between the words in your query. As an example, compare the query bob ted (which is really bob AND ted, remember)with bob OR ted. In the first query, the results include pages that mention both Bob and Ted. In the second query, the results include pages that mention Bob alone, as well as pages that mention Ted alone, as well as pages that mentioned both Bob and Ted. It’s a subtle difference, but an important one.
So if you want to conduct an "either/or" search—to search for pages that include one word or another word, but not necessarily both—you have to insert the OR operator between the two keywords. And when you use the OR operator, make sure to insert it in all uppercase, or Google will ignore it as a stop word—which we’ll discuss next.
Tip #3: Include or Exclude Words in Your Search
Speaking of the words "and" and "or," Google automatically ignores these and other small, common words in your queries. These are called stop words, and include "and," "the," "where," "how," "what," "or" (in all lowercase), and other similar words—along with certain single digits and single letters (such as "a").
Including a stop word in a search normally does nothing but slow the search down, which is why Google excises them. As an example, Google takes the query how a toaster works, removes the words "how" and "a," and creates the new, shorter query toaster works.
If you want these common words included in your query, you can override the stop word exclusion by telling Google that it must include specific words in the query. You do this with the + operator, in front of the otherwise excluded word. For example, to include the word "how" in your query, you’d enter +how. Be sure to include a space before the + sign, but not after it.
On the other hand, sometimes you want to refine your results by excluding pages that include a specific word. You can exclude words from your search by using the - operator; any word in your query preceded by the - sign is automatically excluded from the search results. Remember to always include a space before the - sign, and none after.
For example, if you search for bass, you could get pages about the type of male singer or about the type of fish. If you want to search for the type of singer only, enter a query that looks like this: bass –fish.
Tip #4: Search for Similar Words
Not sure you’re thinking of the right word for a query? Do you worry that some web pages might use alternate words to describe what you’re thinking of?
Fortunately, Google lets you search for similar words—called synonyms—by using the ~ operator. Just include the ~ character before the word in question, and Google will search for all pages that include that word and all appropriate synonyms.
For example, to search for words that are like the word "elderly," enter the query ~elderly. This will find pages that include not just the word "elderly," but also the words "senior," "older," "aged," and so on.
And here’s a bonus tip: To list only synonyms, without returning a ton of matches for the original word, combine the ~ operator with the - operator, like this: ~keyword -keyword. This excludes the original word from the synonymous results. Using the previous example, to list only synonyms for the word "elderly," enter ~elderly -elderly.
Tip #5: Search for an Exact Phrase
When you’re searching for an exact phrase, you won’t get the best results simply by entering all the words in the phrase as your query. Google might return results including the phrase, but it will also return results that include all those words—but not necessarily in that exact order.
When you want to search for an exact phrase, you should enclose the entire phrase in quotation marks. This tells Google to search for the precise keywords in the prescribed order.
For example, if you’re searching for Monty Python, you could enter monty python as your query, and you’d get acceptable results; the results will include pages that include both the words "monty" and "python." But these results will include not only pages about the British comedy troupe, but also pages about snakes named Monty, and guys named Monty who have snakes for pets, and any other pages where the words "monty" and "python" occur—anywhere in the page, even if they don’t appear adjacent to one another.
To limit the results just to pages about the Monty Python troupe, you want to search for pages that include the two words in that precise order as a phrase. So you should enter the query "monty python"—making sure to surround the phrase with quotation marks. This way, if the word "monty" occurs at the top of a page and "python" occurs at the bottom, it won’t be listed in the search results.
Tip #6: List Similar Pages
Have you ever found a web page you really like, and then wondered if there were any more like it? Wonder no more; you can use Google’s related: operator to display pages that are in some way similar to the specified page. For example, if you really like the articles at InformIT, you can find similar pages by entering related:http://www.informit.com.
Tip #7: Fine-Tune Your Search with Other Operators
The related: operator is just one of several operators you can use to fine-tune your Google search result. All these operators work the same way; enter the operator as part of your query, followed by the parameter for the operator directly after the colon (no spaces), like this: operator:parameter.
What search operators are available for your use? Here’s a short list:
Operator | Use | Usage |
allinanchor: | Restricts search to words in the link text on web pages (with multiple keywords) | allinanchor:keyword1 keyword2 |
allintext: | Restricts search to the body text of web pages (with multiple keywords) | allintext:keyword1 keyword2 |
allintitle: | Restricts search to the titles only of web pages (with multiple keywords) | allintitle:keyword1 keyword2 |
allinurl: | Restricts search to web page addresses (with multiple keywords) | inurl:keyword1 keyword2 |
filetype: | Restricts search to files of a specified type | filetype:extension |
inanchor: | Restricts search to words in the link text on web pages | inanchor:keyword |
intext: | Restricts search to the body text of web pages | intext:keyword |
intitle: | Restricts search to the titles only of web pages | intitle:keyword |
inurl: | Restricts search to web page addresses | inurl:keyword |
site: | Restricts search to a specific domain or website | site:domain |
Tip #8: Search for Specific Facts
When you’re looking for hard facts, Google might be able to help. Yes, Google will always return a list of sites that match your specific query, but if you phrase your query correctly—and are searching for a fact that Google has pre-identified—you can get the precise information you need at the top of the search results page.
What types of information are we talking about here? Fact-based information, such as birthdates, birthplaces, population, and so on. All you have to do is enter a query that states the fact you want to know. For example:
- To find the population of San Francisco, enter population san Francisco.
- To find where Mark Twain was born, enter birthplace mark twain.
- To find when President Bill Clinton was born, enter birthday bill clinton.
- To find when Raymond Chandler died, enter die raymond chandler.
- To find who is the president of Germany, enter president germany.
The answers to these questions are displayed at the top of your search results page. You get the precise answer to your question, according to the referenced website. Click the associated link to learn more from this source.
Tip #9: Search the Google Directory
Google indexes billions and billions of web pages in its search database—which more often than not produces an overwhelming number of search results. The quantity is there, but sometimes you’d rather have a few quality results.
When quality matters more than quantity, bypass the main Google search engine and use the Google Directory instead. The Google Directory is a relatively small database of web page listings, each of which is handpicked by a team of human editors. The listings in the Google Directory are then annotated and organized into relevant topic categories. You can browse the directory via category, or search for specific terms.
The Google Directory is a useful alternative to searching the massive Google web page index. Google Directory results are more focused and of uniformly higher quality than what you find in the larger search index, and also help you to get a feel of what’s available in any given category. Plus, you get the advantage of browsing by category instead of searching, if that’s your style.
To access the Google Directory, click the More link on the Google home page and then select Directory on the following page. Alternately, you can go directly to the Google Directory by entering directory.google.com in your web browser.
Tip #10: Use Google’s Other Specialized Searches
The Google Directory isn’t the only alternative Google offers to its main search engine. Depending on the type of search you’re doing, you may get better results by using one of Google’s more specialized search sites. These include:
- Froogle searches online shopping sites for the lowest prices on specific products.
- Google Answers is a paid service that directs your queries to a team of professional researchers—great for when you have more involved questions that you can’t answer with a simple search query.
- Google Apple Macintosh Search searches the main http://www.apple.com domain and other Apple-related sites.
- Google Blog Search searches blogs and blog postings.
- Google Book Search searches the full text of hundreds of thousands of fiction and non-fiction books.
- Google BSD UNIX Search searches a variety of sites that specialize in the BSD version of the UNIX operating system.
- Google Groups searches the UseNet archives for relevant articles and postings.
- Google Linux Search searches a variety of Linux-related sites.
- Google Microsoft Search searches the main http://www.microsoft.com domain and other Microsoft-related sites.
- Google News searches a variety of news sites for up-to-the-minute news headlines—as well as historical newspaper archives dating back two centuries.
- Google Scholar searches a database of scholarly journals, articles, papers, theses, and books, as well as select university and research libraries.
- Google U.S. Government Search searches a variety of U.S. government websites—which makes it the best place to search for official government forms, information, reports, and the like.
- Google University Search searches a database of more than 600 university websites—great for finding course schedules, admission information, and the like.
Icat / Tasarım - Anahtarsız kapı kilidi
Aslında bu çok acaip bir icat falan değil zaten var olan teknolojilerin halka indirilmiş şekli, kapıyı açmak için anahtar değil parmak izinizi kullanıyorsunuz ancak standart kapılara takılabilecek şekilde tasarlanmış ve daha kabul edilebilir ölçülerde fiyatlanmış (200 buş parası civarında). Bunun fiyatı nasıl olurda kabul edilebilir ölçülerde diye soranlarınıza, bir parmak izi kayıt sistemi, bir kilit, bir kapı kolu vb. mekanizmaların fiyatlarını araştırıp üstüste toplamalarını öneririm. Yakında çocuklar kendi odalarının kapısına takarsa hiç şaşırmayın
Parmak izi dışında anahtar ve PIN kodu ile açmak da mümkün
Link / Harita - Dünyanın çukulatacıları
Gidilecek ülkede çukulatacı arayanlar, çukulata sipariş verecek olanlara, hediye olarak çukulata getirmek isteyenler; işte haritanız dünyanın değişik ülkelerindeki çukulatacılar
Foto - Futbol Balesi
Eski Foto - Kömürcü çocuklar
Bilgi - Çevrenizi daha olumlu yapmak için 50 basit Feng Shui önerisi (Ing.)
50 Practical Feng Shui Tips (especially for your home office)
· Don’t obstruct the doorway. Keep shoes, umbrellas, books, and other items put away. Keeping the entrance way clear will allow positive energy, or chi, to flow freely in and out of the room, uncontrained. You will be able to improve your mood as soon as you enter the room since your eyes won’timmediately jump to the clutter and disorganization and you won’t be tripping over mismatched shoes and the raincoat from last month.
· Rearrange furniture frequently. You don’t have to totally redo the setup of the whole room, but shifting your furniture frequently will maintain a healthy level of energy. You will subconsciously notice the changes, keeping you alert and on you toes. Try moving the desk a few inches closer to the window or switching the placement of two chairs. It may not seem like a big change aesthetically, but you’ll be able to feel the results instantly.
· Move the TV to another room. Keeping the television in your home or office will be a constant distraction. You can find all the news, stocktrading information, and other work-related updates you need on the Internet anyway. Move the TV out of your office and leave room for healthier, more natural workspace.
· Don’t lose sight of the door. Make sure all of your chairs and sofas are situated so that anyone sitting in your office will always be able to see the door. Having a way out and keeping track of who or what comes in is a traditional measure of good Feng Shui.
· Leave at least 3 feet between furniture. A standard Feng Shui tip for arranging your furniture is to leave at least 3 feet between all the pieces in the room. For instance, leave 3 feet between your desk and the computer chair when unoccupied. Allow 3 feet between your 2 lounge chairs or between a chair and sofa. You can find other similar tips by clicking here.
· Make sure your furniture represents the elements. You obviously won’t be able to have a desk made of fire, but try to incorporate the wood and metal elements into your furniture constitutions as much as possible. Most of your furniture will undoubtedly be made of wood, but see if you can find an end table made of aluminum or one that features a metallic finish.
· Add pillows and blankets. Buy a couple of throw pillows and a comfy blanket to give your office a cozy appeal. Let them lie easily on your chairs or couch, but only indulge in wrapping yourself up in the blanket if it’s really chilly. You want to promote an easygoing atmosphere, but you don’t want to fall asleep at your desk! Try PotteryBarn.com for ideas.
· Don’t overcrowd the room. Putting too much furniture or accessories in your office will lead to overcrowding. Overcrowding leads to a tense, nervous energy. Keep the amount of items in the room to a minimum, including only the furniture and electronics you need to conduct your business and host clients in a basic, but comfortable, way.
· Give yourself a choice of places to sit. If you limit yourself to the one desk chair you use while on the computer, you’ll end up feeling cramped and panicky. Have at least one other sofa or chair for you to sit in while taking a break from the computer once in a while. Visit JCPenney.com for ideas. Changing your physical placement will keep you focused longer.
· Be comfortable.
· Make sure all the furniture in the room is comfortable to you. Since it’s your office, you will be the one spending most (if not all) of your time there. Being comfortable will keep your mind off your external circumstances and allow you to work.
Light and Color
· When selecting a room for your home office, you should pick the one that has at least one window. Enveloping yourself in natural light helps keep you on track with the progression of day and night, keeping you in sync with the environment around you. Make sure the window has blinds or curtains, though, in case the sun is too bright or causes an irritating glare on your desk.
· Lamps Putting lamps on your desk or end tables will allow you to control the amount of light you receive more pointedly. If the overhead light is too harsh for example turning it off and relying on lamps and the natural light from the window will keep you more relaxed and your eyes less strained. If the main light isn’t bright enough however, a lamp will help you see better and concentrate on your work, as your eyes will naturally be drawn to where the light is focused.
· Light bulbs Choosing the right light bulbs for your home or office is extremely important. You will want bulbs that radiate feelings of warmth. Avoid buying fluorescent lights altogether. Click here to read more about the benefits of lighting when creating a Feng Shui environment.
· Blue Incorporating the color blue into your home (and also in office) helps include an association with the element “water.” Blue is a soothing color and is best used in the East and Southeast areas of the room. According to Feng Shui expert Rodika Tchi, painting the ceiling blue is a great way to not only add color to your office, but to improve productivity and promote good energy.
· Green According to Viewzone.com, green “is considered to be a color of freshness, growth, and peace,” so try adding cushions or pillows in light, subtle shades to give your office soothing energy with a punch of personality.
· Red Bold reds are thought to introduce feelings wealth and happiness into a person’s life. Supplementing your otherwise subdued room with red accents will brighten your mood and perhaps even bring you luck. Don’t go overboard with strong reds or you may end up creating a negative energy infused with anger and agitation.
· Metal Metallic accents will brighten up your room in a subtle way. Use a bronze paperweight or hang copper windchimes near the window to represent key Feng Shui element while allowing natural light to reflect off the metallic surfaces.
· Earth tones Earth tones are known to be soothing shades of yellow, brown, and green. They generally make people feel comfortable and at ease because of their relationship to nature, so stick to these shades when designing. A deep yellow rug or tan curtains will create a simplified atmosphere perfect for work.
· Balance As with any Feng Shui practices, you must maintain a balance of color in your room. Adding too much blue and not enough red will leave your office vulnerable to the water element, for example. Keeping the elements in check through color is a fun, inspiring approach to Feng Shui interior design because of the choices you have to accessorize each area.
· Mirrors Mirrors help positive energy dart about the room by letting in more light and allowing you to keep your eye on what normally wouldn’t be seen. Hang a mirror over your computer to watch the wall behind you and open up the space around you. Mirrors maximize your space by making rooms appear much larger than they actually are, making the office feel roomy and uncramped.
Decorations and Plants
· Put up family photos To make it more inviting, hang up or display photos of you with family and friends. You’ll make yourself more comfortable by seeing familiar faces and recalling fun memories. Use a variety both wood and metal frames to incorporate the two elements.
· Paintings are also positive additions to your home or office. Choose ones that feature garden scenes, landscapes, and other natural designs to invite earth tones and keep you in touch with the environment.
· Certain crystals like quartz, amethyst, and malachite increase the power of Feng Shui. Click here to read more about where to place crystals in your room and to find out which ones will benefit you the most.
· Introducing plant life into room will boost your spirits and help balance out the elements. Plants, even flowers, represent wood. Put a potted plant on the windowsill or situate a larger fern or hibiscus plant in a corner to brighten up the room. Click here for specific tips and ideas for bringing in the right flowers for your space.
· Bamboo also represents the element wood and is considered to be extremely lucky. Read Diane Kern’s ideas for selecting and maintaining bamboo to ensure that the plant brings you the best luck possible.
· Having a small water fountain is good for many reasons. The sound of the running water will soothe your senses, the water element will be fully represented, and according to the Target Woman, the fountain will “attract and trap the chi.”
· Caring for a plant. Having a plant will do no good if you can’t keep it alive. Dying or dead plants will increase the amount of negative energy, making you feel depressed and frustrated. Refer to the Garden Guide Web site to learn tips about container gardening.
· Place wall decorations at eye level. Hanging up pictures any old way is a direct infringement of Feng Shui practice. Let all your wall decorations hang at eye level, creating a consistent, organized aesthetic.
· Avoid sharp-cornered objects. Sharp-cornered objects are not only potentially harmful, they are also believed to obstruct the pathway of chi. Your desk will most likely have sharp corners, but as long as you are not sitting where they point directly at you, the chi will still be able to flow around you easily.
· If it doesn’t have a function, you don’t need it. If your end table doesn’t hold up a lamp or represent any of the key elements, you probably don’t need it. Get rid of any decor that doesn’t serve some sort of Feng Shui function by balancing out the elements, and you’ll free up space and feel better about everything that does belong.
Sound and Scent
· Music Play soothing music throughout the day to alleviate stress, calm nerves, and keep you relaxed. Try a Norah Jones CD or listen to something purely instrumental so you won’t get caught up in the lyrics.
· Eliminate distractions. Close the door if others are at home with you so that you don’t have to listen to distracting noises. Eliminating unnatural, exterior noise will keep you focused on your work and will allow the chi to move around your room with minimal disruptions.
· Evaluate your reactions to certain noises. Does the sound of birds chirping keep you relaxed? Does the rumbling dishwasher make you stressed? Evaluate your reactions to everyday noises and then try to accommodate accordingly. Crack the window a little to let in natural noises and drown out that dishwasher. Or, turn up your music to keep out the bothersome weed eater outside.
· Pick a room located far away from loud noises. When selecting the perfect room for your home office, pick one that is located far away from loud, distracting noises. For example, if your neighbors are always out on their front lawn playing or visiting, go to a room that’s located at the back of your house. If the neighbor on your left has a dog that barks all day long, choose a room on the other side of the house. Eliminating as much extra noise as possible will help you concentrate.
· Candles Light candles to welcome scent and give your office a relaxed atmosphere. The warm flame is a soft, natural representation of fire that also helps you feel cozy. Visit the Yankee Candle Comapny Web site to find your favorite scents and special seasonal deals.
· Incense Lighting incense is another way to bring scent into the room. Many incense smells like the ones found here are believed to promote healthy chi.
· Garbage Take out the garbage often to get rid of bad smells that will interrupt your room’s chi. Mildew, garbage, and other noisome scents will also distract you until they are eliminated. Empty out your trash several times each week to keep bad smells from developing in the first place.
· Citrus Citrusy scents like tangerine and mandarin increase the amount of energy in the room, keeping you awake and alert even after hours of work.
· Geranium and Lavender These soothing scents will calm nerves and help you keep things in perspective. Click here to read more about which scents are good for promoting your room’s chi.
· Burning oil Burning tiny amounts of oil will cause your room to smell better in seconds. Try out one of these oil burners from The Body Shop to improve your room’s fragrance.
Eliminate Clutter
· Don’t use your workspace for any other chores. Clutter will immediately destroy any good energy that was present before. To help eliminate mess, don’t use your workspace for any other purpose other than business. Don’t fold laundry, pay bills, or let your kids play on the computer in the room that you’ve specially designed for work.
· Organize your desk.Invest in a collection of wire baskets that stack on the top of your desk to eliminate floating papers and general clutter. Office Depot carries a large stock of desk accessories that will minimize the amount of roaming items and keep you from losing important items. Clean up the inside of your desk by sliding in dividers or small containers that will hold paperclips, rubberbands, and extra staples.
· File papers. It might seem old-fashioned, but every office needs a filing system. Buy a simple filing cabinet and start filling it up. To make sure you can find your papers easily, make a folder for almost everything. Divide topics into subtopics, and divide those further. It might take a little extra work in the beginning, but when you’re trying to find a specific document, you’ll be glad you did. Choose multicolored folders and use separate colors for different projects, clients, or months.
· Clean up before ending each workday. As a part of your daily routine, straighten up your desk and office before leaving each day. This practice will help keep you organized and ready for the following day, and when you begin work in the morning, you won’t be walking into a messy room. Instead of seeing stacks of papers and clutter, your eyes will settle on the calm organization you’ve worked so hard to preserve.
· Hide unruly cords and cables. Even though you’ve taken the TV out of your office, your computer and radio and/or CD player have lots of messy cords ruining your simplistic mood. Having to look at a tangle of wires will stress you out and distract you from your work. Use a surge protector to safely plug in all those wires to your wall, and use hefty twist ties to prevent tangling. Try investing in a cable kit, like this one from cable-safe.com.
· Bring in as little food as possible. Being able to work from home means that you can eat in the kitchen. Try not to bring food into your office, as it will only add to the clutter and garbage. If you do decide to have a snack, make sure you clean it up as soon as possible.
· Hide your magazines and manuals. Old magazines, guidebooks, and manuals can stack up quickly, leaving your room looking more like a dusty library than a Feng Shui refuge. If you’re not ready to throw everything out, hide items in a basket underneath a side table or stash them inside hollowed out ottomans. You’ll never know there’s a messy collection of Reader’s Digest underneath you feet!
· Buy a bookshelf. Use a bookshelf for books and manuals that you refer to frequently. Put taller items at the end of each shelf and shorter ones in the middle. This organization idea will make your books look better and stand straighter.
· Separate your mail. Sort your mail as soon as you come from the mailbox, and separate your personal items from business-related envelopes and packages. Take with you to your office the mail that is for work only, and keep it in a basket or on a shelf designated for mail. Each week, file or throw away old bills and envelopes to keep the stack small.
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yazarım diye düşünüyordum ama değilmiş: http://www.af.mil/news/airman/1103/gunssb1.html
Foto - Çocukluk Keyfi

Nasıl bir keyiftir çocuk olmak, yüksek bir yerden çığlık çığlığa suya atlamak, küt küt atan kalp, düşerken boşvermişlik herşeye, endişlerden arınmak, kendini ispatlamak, birşeyler yapabilmenin mutluluğu ... atlanacak yere çıkarken duyulan bir korku vardır ama bu korku daha çok istediği gibi atlayamama olasılığının korkusudur, yoksa tehlikeli bir şeyleri yapıryor olmanın değil
Sırasını bekleyenin aklında, atlayacak olanın atlayıp atlayamayacağını ve nasıl atlayacağını vardır, ortalıkta bir büyüğün görebileceği tehlikeler yoktur onların gözünde, yaşanmakta olanla ilgili herhangi bir endişe yoktur
Belkide gerçekten tehlike yoktur ... “there is no spoon”
Link - Bilet arama sitesi
Bilet arıyorsanız (ne yazık ki şimdilik sadece UK ve USA için geçerli) bu siteye aradığınız müzik, tiyatro, show v.s. ile ilgili bir şeyler yazın size bilet seçeneklerini çıkarsın. İsterseniz bir şehri yazın oradaki tüm aktiviteleri öğrenin
Icat - Telsiz kameralarla ne izleniyor ?

Bir çok iş yerinde, mağazada, hatta sokaklarda bile bizi izleyen kameralar var, bunların bazıları da telsiz (wireless) olarak çalışıyorlar, bu aletimiz telsiz kameraların izlediklerini küçük ekranları ile gösteriyorlar
Biraz hırsız / 007 James Bond falan türü bir alet gibi ama burnunuzu karıştırırken işyerinizdeki bekçilere görüntülenmemek için (kameraların nelerelere baktığı belirleyerek) kullanılması da mümkün
Foto - Fotoğrafçının Dramı

Zor iş fotoğrafçılık bir dakika önce arkasındaki “ponpon kızlarla” kakara kikiri yaparken bir dönüyorsun yüzünü sahaya tam karşıdan bir kamyon üzerine doğru geliyor ... fotoğrafçı abinin gözlerinin önünden hayatı bir film şeridi gibi geçmiştir
Salı, Ekim 09, 2007
Tasarım - Merdivende çekmece
Link - Acayip kağıt uçaklar
Bir sürü kağıt uçak, üstelik hiç görmediğiniz hiç denemediğiniz çeşitler, yapın uçurun.
Icat - Fındık / ceviz kırıcı

Hem ceviz kırıp hem stresden uzaklaşmak ve hem de cevizi yiyerek kalbe faydalı bir iş yapmak için geliştirilmiş bir icat
30 evropa parası
Foto - Fotoğrafçılık zor zanaat 3

“abi ben yeniyim”
“hayırlı olsun kardeş, gel şuraya koy sen de kameranı”
“abi buraya koysam kaybolmaz mı ?”
“yani bana zimmetlediler de bunu”
“oğlum hepimizinki zimmetli, koy buraya birşey olmaz”
“abi ya üzerine top falan gelirse ?”
“bak ben koca zumlu makinamı bırakıyorum, bir şey olmaz, koy sen buraya”
“peki sonra nasıl buluyor herkez kendi makinasını ?”
“valla ben diğerleri ne yapıyor bilmiyorum ama kendiminkinin üzerine ciklet yapıştırıyorum”
“hem niye elimizde tutmuyoruz ?”
“oğlum koyacaksan koy makinayı, yoksa ikile”
Eski Icat - Bisiklette radyo
Bilgi - Kabartma tozunun 10 farklı kullanım sekli (Ing.)
10 New Uses for Baking Soda
Use Baking Soda to:
1. Exfoliate skin. Wash your face, then apply a soft paste made of three parts baking soda and one part water. Massage gently with a circular motion, avoiding the eye area; rinse clean.
2. Erase crayon, pencil, ink, and furniture scuffs from painted surfaces. Sprinkle soda on a damp sponge, rub clean, and rinse.
3. Unclog a drain. Pour 1/2 to 1 cup of baking soda down the drain, then slowly pour 1/2 to 1 cup of white vinegar after it. Let sit for five minutes (covered, if possible). Follow with a gallon of boiling water.
4. Remove tough stains from enameled cast iron and stainless steel. Scrub enameled cast iron with a soft nylon brush and a thick paste of baking soda and water. Clean stainless steel with a soft cloth and 4 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in 1 quart of water. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
5. Scrub pans. Sprinkle soda on crusted casseroles and roasting pans and let sit for five minutes. Lightly scrub and rinse.
6. Brush teeth. Use a paste of baking soda and water.
7. Fight class-B fires (flammable liquids, such as gasoline, oil, and grease). Baking soda can be used to smother only a small flame.
8. Deodorize. Dust baking soda under your arms to absorb body odor.
9. Clean up minor oil and grease spills on a garage floor or driveway. Sprinkle baking soda on the spot and scrub with a wet brush.
Perşembe, Ekim 04, 2007
Link / Yazılım - Fotograf düzenleme yazilimi
Fotoğraflarınızı düzeltmek, düzenlemek, rötuş yapmak (editing yerine yazıyorum bunları başka bir kelime aklıma gelmedi) yazılımı, web üzerinde ve sisteminize bir şey indirmeniz gerekmiyor sadece ücretsiz bir üyelik ... güzel ve çok hızlı çalışan bir yazılım ... basit işler için tavsiye ederim.
Tasarım - Hersey dahil yatak
Link - Müzik arama sitesi
Eski Foto - Sel ve oyun

1922 yılında bir sel baskını, çocuklar su da yüzüyorlar,
Dünya daha temizdi hiç şüphesiz, hatta 1970’lerde inşaatların önündeki musluklardan su içerdik ve hiç birşeycikler olmazdı. Şimdi, şehir şebekesinden arıtılmış geldiğini sandığımız suda dişlerini fırçalasa dizanteri oluyor çocuklarımız.
Su deyince aklıma geldi i.melih efendiye göre Ankara’nın Ağustos ayı başında 20-30 günlük suyu kalmıştı, kesintiler yapıldı, kamyon kamyon su satıldı, henüz yağmur yağmadı bırak Ağustosu Eylül de bitti ama ne hikmetse sular hiç bitmedi, nasıl bir 30 günlük suysa 60 gündür Ankara’ya yetti. Hatta bir açıklamaya göre 45 günlük su varmış, nasıl bir tasarruf yaptıysa millet artmış suyumuz