Perşembe, Ağustos 21, 2008

Ilan - Usküdar Belediyesinden

Bu satınalınacak objeler nasıl birşeydir acep, modern nedir, şehir objesi nasıl olur ... vallahi benim diyecek bir şeyim yok, şartnamesine bakmak gerek !!!!!! ...

İlana göre bu şehir objeleri 5 yıl da garantili olacakmış ... acaba neye karşı garanti aranıyor, aklıma gelenler şunlar

kaba kullanıma karşı yıpranma garantisi (bkz. t.rk halkı)

üzerine yazı yazmaya karşı silinme garantisi (bkz. aynı halk)

çakıyla kalp işaretine karşı tamir edilebilme garantisi (bkz. aynı halkın aşık olduğunu ilana teşebbüs edenleri)

ve tabi en popüleri : tükürmeye karşı paslanma garantisi (bkz. i. Melih; bu halkın %50 oy verip yeniden seçeceği belediye başkanı)

Modern Şehir Objeleri Satın Alınacaktır.

İdarenin Adı


T.C. Üsküdar Belediye Başkanlığı İstanbul Park ve Bahçeler Müdürlüğü

İşin Adı


Modern Şehir Objeleri Alımı İşi

İhale Kayıt No



Türü - Usulü


Mal alımı - Açık ihale usulü

1. İdarenin

a ) Adresi


Selimiye Mah. Atölyeler Cad. Ek Hizmet Binası No :5 Selimiye ÜSKÜDAR/İSTANBUL

b ) Telefon - Faks Numarası


0216 531 30 00-3383 - 0216 531 32 50

c)Elektronik Posta Adresi (varsa)


2. İhale Konusu malın

a ) Niteliği, Türü ve Miktarı


11 Adet Modern Şehir Objesi Alımı

b ) Teslim Yeri(leri)


Üsküdar Belediyesi Park ve Bahçeler Müdürlüğü - Ünalan Demir Atölyesi

c ) Teslim Tarihi


Sözleşmenin Yürürlüğe Girmesinden İtibaren 15 Takvim Günüdür.

3. İhalenin

a ) Yapılacağı Yer


Üsküdar Belediyesi - Park ve Bahçeler Müdürlüğü

b ) Tarihi - Saati


19.08.2008 - 11:00

4. İhaleye katılabilme şartları ve istenilen belgeler ile yeterlik değerlendirmesinde uygulanacak kriterler:

4.1. İhaleye katılma şartları ve istenilen belgeler:

4.1.1. Tebligat için adres beyanı ve ayrıca irtibat için telefon ve varsa faks numarası ile elektronik posta adresi,

4.1.2. Mevzuatı gereği kayıtlı olduğu Ticaret ve/veya Sanayi Odası veya Meslek Odası belgesi; Gerçek kişi olması halinde, ilk ilan veya ihale tarihinin içerisinde bulunduğu yılda alınmış ilgisine göre Ticaret ve/veya Sanayi Odasına veya ilgili Meslek Odasına kayıtlı olduğunu gösterir belge, Tüzel kişi olması halinde, mevzuatı gereği tüzel kişiliğin siciline kayıtlı bulunduğu Ticaret ve/veya Sanayi Odasından, ilk ilan veya ihale tarihinin içerisinde bulunduğu yılda alınmış, tüzel kişiliğin sicile kayıtlı olduğuna dair belge, İhale konusu iş ile mesleki faaliyetin sürdürülmesi için ilgili mevzuatı uyarınca gerekli belge/bilgi: İhale konusu mala ilişkin mevzuatı gereği öngörülen mecburi standart/belge/bilgi:

4.1.3. Teklif vermeye yetkili olduğunu gösteren imza beyannamesi veya imza sirküleri; Gerçek kişi olması halinde, noter tasdikli imza beyannamesi, Tüzel kişi olması halinde, ilgisine göre tüzel kişiliğin ortakları, üyeleri veya kurucuları ile tüzel kişiliğin yönetimindeki görevlileri belirten son durumu gösterir Ticaret Sicil Gazetesi veya bu hususları tevsik eden belgeler ile tüzel kişiliğin noter tasdikli imza sirküleri,

4.1.4. 4734 sayılı Kanunun 10 uncu maddesinin (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (g) ve (i) bentlerinde sayılan durumlarda olunmadığına ilişkin yazılı taahhütname,

4.1.5. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen teklif mektubu,

4.1.6. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen geçici teminat,

4.1.7. İhale konusu alımın/işin tamamı veya bir kısmı alt yüklenicilere yaptırılamaz.

4.1.8. İhale dokümanının satın alındığına dair belge,

4.1.9. Gerçek veya tüzel kişi olması durumuna göre ortağı olduğu şahıs şirketleri ile sermayesinin yarısından fazlasına sahip olduğu sermaye şirketlerine ilişkin beyanname,

4.1.10. Tüzel kişi istekli tarafından sunulan iş deneyim belgesinin, aynı tüzel kişinin yarısından fazla hissesine sahip ortağına ait olması halinde sunulacak iş deneyim belgesinin başka bir tüzel kişiye kullandırılmayacağına ilişkin taahhütname.

4.2. Ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler

4.2.1. Bankalardan temin edilecek belgeler:
Teklif edilen bedelin % 5` inden az olmamak üzere istekli tarafından belirlenecek tutarda, bankalar nezdindeki kullanılmamış nakit kredisi veya kullanılmamış teminat mektubu kredisini ya da serbest mevduatını gösterir, yerli veya yabancı bankalardan alınacak belgeler.
4.2.2. İsteklinin bilançosu veya eşdeğer belgeleri
İhalenin yapıldığı yıldan bir önceki yıla ait isteklinin yıl sonu bilançosu veya gerekli görülen bölümleri yoksa bunlara eşdeğer belgeler
a) Cari oranın (dönen varlıklar / kısa vadeli borçlar) en az 0.50 olması,
b) Öz kaynak oranının (öz kaynaklar/ toplam aktif) en az 0.10 olması,
c) Kısa vadeli banka borçlarının öz kaynaklara oranının 0.75`den küçük olması,
yeterlik kriterleridir ve bu üç kriter birlikte aranır.
Bu şartları bir önceki yılda sağlayamayan istekliler, bir önceki yılın yanısıra iki önceki yılın belgelerini sunabilirler, bu takdirde belgeleri sunulan bu iki yılın ortalaması üzerinden asgari değerlerin sağlanıp sağlanmadığına bakılır.
Serbest meslek erbabının vereceği ilgili mevzuatına göre düzenlenmiş ve onaylanmış serbest meslek kazanç defteri özetinde gösterilen değerlere göre, toplam gelir/toplam gider oranının son yıl değerinin en az (1.25) olması şartı aranır. Bu durumda yukarıda bilançolar veya gerekli görülen bölümler üzerinden hesaplanacak oranlar aranmaz.
İhalenin yapıldığı yıl içinde kurulan şirketlerde (a), (b) ve (c) bendlerinde belirtilen bilanço oranlarını karşılayan açılış bilançosunun verilmesi yeterlidir.

4.3. Mesleki ve Teknik yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler

4.3.1. İş deneyim belgeleri::
İsteklinin son beş yıl içinde yurt içinde veya yurt dışında, kamu veya özel sektörde gerçekleştirilen ve idarece noksansız ve ayıpsız kabul edilen ihale konusu alım veya ihale dokümanında belirlenecek benzer nitelikteki alımlarla ilgili deneyimi gösteren belgeler.
İhale konusu işin özelliğine göre istekliler tarafından teklif edilen bedelin %25 oranında, ihale konusu alım veya ihale dokümanında belirlenecek benzer nitelikteki alımlara ait tek sözleşmeye ilişkin iş deneyim belgesi ibraz edilecektir.

4.4. Bu ihalede benzer iş olarak , Heykel alımı ve satışı benzer iş olarak kabul edilecektir.

5. Ekonomik açıdan en avantajlı teklif, en düşük fiyat esasına göre belirlenecektir.

6. İhaleye sadece yerli istekliler katılabilecektir.

7. İhale dokümanı Üsküdar Belediyesi - Park ve Bahçeler Müdürlüğü adresinde görülebilir ve 250 YTL / Milyon TL karşılığı Üsküdar Belediyesi - Park ve Bahçeler Müdürlüğü adresinden temin edilebilir. İhaleye teklif verecek olanların ihale dokümanını satın almaları zorunludur.

8. Teklifler 19.08.2008 tarihi, saat 11:00 'a kadar Üsküdar Belediyesi - Park ve Bahçeler Müdürlüğü adresine verilebileceği gibi, iadeli taahhütlü posta vasıtasıyla da gönderilebilir.

9. İstekliler tekliflerini, mal kalem/kalemleri için teklif birim fiyatlar üzerinden vereceklerdir. İhale sonucu, üzerine ihale yapılan istekliyle iş kalemleri için teklif edilen birim fiyatların çarpımı sonucu bulunan toplam bedel üzerinden birim fiyat sözleşme düzenlenecektir. Bu ihalede, işin tamamı için teklif verilecektir.

10. İstekliler teklif ettikleri bedelin %3'ünden az olmamak üzere kendi belirleyecekleri tutarda geçici teminat vereceklerdir.

11. Verilen tekliflerin geçerlik süresi, ihale tarihinden itibaren en az 30 takvim günü olmalıdır.

12. Konsorsiyumlar ihaleye teklif veremezler.

Diğer Hususlar:

Paslanmaz krom malzemeden imal edilen Modern Şehir Objelerinin garanti süresi 5 yıl olup garanti süresince üründe meydana gelen dış müdahaleye bağlı olmayan ( darbe, kırılma vb. ) garanti kapsamındaki teknik aksaklık ve bozulmalar yüklenici firma tarafından giderilecektir.
Paslanmaz krom malzemeden imal edilen Modern Şehir Objelerinin boyanmış olması halinde 2 yıl boya garantisi olup garanti süresince üründe meydana gelen dış müdahaleye bağlı olmayan ( darbe vb. ) garanti kapsamındaki teknik aksaklık ve bozulmalar yüklenici firma tarafından giderilecektir.

Tasarim - Tam tesekküllü dolap

Bu dolap ilk görünüşdeki halinden farklı bir içeriğe sahip, tam teşekküllü

Fiyatı da 1300 buş parası

Foto - Martilar - Michael Mancini

Yazilim - Herhangi bir klasörü (directory) kilitleyin

Bu yazılım herhangi bir klasörü kilitleyebiliyor ve şifreleyerek başkalarının girmesini engelliyor

Bilgi - Dünyanin en nadir bulunan imzasi

Ünlüler arasında imzasına en az rastlanan kişi William Shakespeare ... sadece 6 eserinin altında imzasına rastlanmış

... bu diğer eserlerin kendisine ait olmaması konusunun gündeme gelmesine sebep oluyor.

Bana sorarsanız bu kadar kötü bir imzası varsa bir insan hiçbir yere imza atmaz ... oturup neden yeni bir tane çalışmamışsa

Eski Reklam - Ilk Tasinabilir Bilgisayarlar : Compaq Portable

Reklam Compaq taşınabilir bilgisayarların BusinessClass’da koltuğun altına yerleşebilecek kadar küçüldüğünü anlatıyor. Bakmayın siz abinin öyle kolayca taşıdığına (bir de gazete var kolunun altında) bu bilgisayar 12kg’dı.

Bilgi - Dünyanin en nadir bulunan degerli tasi

Bu aşağıda fotoğrafı görünen değerli taş dünyanın en nadir bulunan parçası ... kırmızı elmas olarak da adlandırılan bu taşın orjinal adı “painite” ... 1950 yılından bu yana biliniyor ve Myanmar’da bulunuyor. Dünyada kullanımda 25 adet olduğu sanılıyor. Fiyatı konusunda bir bilgi yok ... ama acayip pahalı olduğu konusunda şüphem yok

Link - Pecya

Bir dostumuz göndermiş ve şöyle demiş:

"Kaybettiginizi sandiginiz tüm bilgiler" sloganiyla, yenilikci bir sekilde ortaya çıkan pecya sitesinden sitesini ziyaret ederek bilgilenmenizi öneriyorum.

Cok ilginc yenilikleri olan, sadece koleksiyonlarda kalmis ve belki de birer nüsha kalmis kitaplara, dergilere (başlangıç olarak Varlık, Nokta,

Leman...gibi...) ulasabilme, arama motoru özellikleriyle bilgi taramasi yapabilme, dilersek kücük rakamlarla abone olarak sayfada okumak sartiyla bu yayınları koleksiyonumuza katabilme imkanımız var.

Yapanların aklına fikrine sağlık.. Cok hosuma gitti.


Eski Foto - Marangozlar 1908

1908 yılında Indiana’da marangozhanede çalışanlar öğle yemeği arası vermişler. Çocukların üstbaş fakirliği gösteriyor; ellerinde bir parça ekmek, başlarında şapkaları ve yüzlerinde gülümse ... 10 yıl sonra çıkacak savaşı, 20 yıl sonraki büyük buhranı, 30 yıl sonraki diğer savaşı yaşayacaklar

Tasarim - Notebook tasiyici

Taşınabilir bilgisayarlarınızı veya not defterlerinizi belinizde taşıyabilirsiniz üstelik iki eliniz de serbestken

Foto - Sicak

Ne düşünüyor teyze dersiniz?

Link / Spor - Dünya Ligleri

Ülkelerin ligleri son durumları ... henüz başlamamış bir çok lig var ama başlayınca takip etmek isterseniz

Link / Grafik - ABD Baskanlik Seçimleri

ABD Başkanlık seçimleri ile ilgili bir site; kiminle ilgili en çok haber çıkıyor, kimden Internet üzerinde daha çok bahsediliyor

... ayrıca hangi haber kaynağı hangi politik yönde

Foto - bi biskirem versem

Büyük lokma yut büyük laf söyleme demişler ... ama bu kardeşimiz atasözünü abartmış

Link - Mapdango

Tek bir sayfadan harita üzerinde bir yere ait bilgiler, havadurumu, fotoğraflar, kitaplar, dökümanlar v.s.

Grafik - Yatirimlara ne olur

Eski Foto - Çamasirlar asildi

O arkadaki yaramaza ne diyeceksiniz?

Eski Icat - Radyatörden kalorifere 1924

Arabanın radyatörün sıcak su sirkülasyonu sağlayarak yolcuların ayağını ısıtan sistem procesi; yıl 1924

yazıda der ki artık egzozdan ısıtmak yerine kullanılacağını belirtiyor. Benim ilk arabam ısıtmak için içeriye egzoz dumanı alıyordu ve 1954 modeldi, demek ki 30 yıl uygulamaya geçememiş bir icat

(bu arada Türk Dil Kurumu Yazım sözlüğünden egzost, eksöz, egsöz, egsoz, ekzoz gibi değişik yazılışlarını sanayide muhtelif yerlerde okuduğumuz exhaust – ing.- kelimesinin karşılığının egzoz olduğunu teyid etmiş bulunuyor )

Haber - Dünyanin en büyük havuzu

Dünyanın en büyük havuzu: Fas’da, tuzlu su havuzu, üzerinde teknelerle geziliyor .... yaklaşık iki kilometre uzunluğunda

Bilgi - Duygusal Olgunluk için 3 Yol (Ing.)

3 Ways to Embody Emotional Maturity

One of the factors that define adulthood for many is the ability to look at situations and take action based on the facts. Children tend to see a situation and base their choices not on facts, but on how they feel about it. It is often said that many people may have a chronological age that is defined by their birth date, but their emotional maturity does not match their age.

Emotional maturity is not something that is automatically given to someone when they turn 18. Emotional maturity is something that we must develop in our lives by knowing how to respond to situations in a mature and responsible manner.

Three factors that define emotional maturity are:

Ability to Face Reality -- Acceptance

We know that we need to stop smoking because it is not good for our health, but we don’t do it because we want to avoid having to face a difficult challenge in our lives. Many of us like to avoid difficulties and pretend that they don’t exist. It isn’t until we can face reality and accept the situation that is before us then we can mature. We have to stop denying that situations exist and instead move towards assessing the risks of situations and taking actions based on those risks.

Ability to Relate Well With Others

This is a big world, and we need to get along with others – even those that are different from us or have beliefs that differ from ours. All too often we look at others with a critical eye or let anger and frustrations interfere with our perceptions of others. We must learn to forgive others (and ourselves) and start making amends with people for what we have done wrong in the past. Instead of looking at people with a critical eye, look for the good inside them. Be compassionate, not critical.

Willingness to be Honest with Ourselves

We must be willing to do a self-appraisal of who we are and what we want our of life. Chances are that there are areas in your life that could use improvement. None of us is perfect. Sometimes change starts from within – and when you change, the world around you starts to change with you. We don’t have to be in control of everything in our life – sometimes we have to put our faith in a belief that things are going to work out. Being honest with ourselves can lead us to understand that some things in our life just aren’t worth worrying about.

So now it is your turn. What is your emotional maturity? Can you see yourself in the above statements or are there areas you want to improve upon? It’s never too late – whether you are 18 or 81 there are chances for you to increase your emotional maturity age.

Link - Kablosuz Internet hizmetleri

dünyanın her yerindeki WiFi hizmetleri

WiFi (kablosuz Internet) hizmeti veren havaalanları

Çok kısıtlı bir bilgi vermekle birlikte Avrupa’daki ücretsiz WiFi noktaları bu linkten görülebilir

Foto - Içelim daha içelim

“İçemezmişim, niye içemeyecekmişim, içerim işte, içerim güzelleşirim”

Bilgi / Link / Yazilim - Daha düzenli olabilmeniz için 100 yardimci uygulama

Be Your Own Virtual Assistant: 100 Tools to Keep Yourself Accountable and Organized

By Christina Laun

Having your own personal assistant can be great. With an assistant, you don’t have to handle your filing, mail, errands or all of the other little tasks that eat up your day and keep you from getting to more important projects. Of course, not everyone can afford to have their own personal assistant, real or virtual. But with the right tools, you can make your life easier without outsourcing your work to anyone else. Follow this list of tools and resources to make being your own assistant easy.

To Do

While it would be nice to leave the day-to-day tasks to someone else, managing them yourself doesn’t have to be a headache. Keep track of everything you need to do with these simple tools.

  1. Backpack: Backpack can help even the most unorganized business owners get their tasks in order. Not only can you create to-do lists, but there are also features for notes, calendars and reminders.
  2. Stikkit: Leave yourself virtual sticky notes with Stikkit. Whether you’re planning a meeting, organizing your day, or just trying to remember what to get at the grocery store, leave yourself a memo with this program.
  3. Webnote: Never lose your notes from a meeting again with this useful program. Users can take notes on any computer and save them to the Web for easy access later.
  4. The Online CEO: Organize and prioritize like the business owner that you are with this nifty program. Users can assign point values to tasks, with more points for more important tasks, and get the tally at the end of the day.
  5. Ta-Da List: Ta-Da List will allow you to make to-do lists for yourself or anyone else on your staff, making it easier to manage your own tasks as well as those of others.
  6. Remember the Milk: While you can use Remember the Milk to actually help you remember the milk, it can also be used for managing a variety of other work related tasks as well.
  7. Swift To-Do List: This to-do list program allows you to create hierarchical lists, attach email and web addresses to tasks, send reminders, and even create to-do databases to keep track of your tasks long term.
  8. Todoist: This simple to-do list has a built-in calendar and task ranking system to help you stay on top of your tasks. You can even use the keyboard shortcuts to make your work go faster, no assistant needed.
  9. Voo2Do: Voo2Do makes it easy to manage and use your to-do lists. You can organize tasks by project, track the time you’ve spent on them, and even add new tasks by email.
  10. Toodledo: Improve your productivity with the to-do list system on Toodledo. You can even bring it with you on your mobile phone so you can work on the go.
  11. Orchestrate: Simply register on Orchestrate’s website and start creating easy-to-use to-do lists right away.


Dont’ make balancing your business’ checkbook more of a chore than it needs to be. Keep your finances in order with these great accounting tools.

  1. Wesabe: Keep track of your money with this great online financial tool. Set financial goals or track incoming and outgoing money with ease.
  2. Instacalc: Chances are pretty good that in the course of your bookkeeping you’ll need to do a few calculations. Use this online calendar to make it easy to get figures, make spreadsheets, or even generate graphs you can embed on a webpage.
  3. Dimewise: Maintain a handle on your finances no matter where you are with this online tool which allows you to manage multiple accounts, generate reports, and log all of your purchases.
  4. LessAccounting: Since you’ve got tons of other things to do, use LessAccounting to manage your finances. Great for small businesses, you’ll be able to keep track of expenses and send out invoices.
  5. Saasu: Saasu will help you speed up your accounting tasks with automated payments, purchasing, billing and even payroll. A computer that does work for you is almost as good as a real assistant!
  6. Xero: Online accounting with Xero allows you to track your finances from anywhere and seamlessly integrate your banking statements to make it much less work for you!
  7. Mint: Take managing your finances to another level with Mint. Not only can you track and record your expenses, but Mint will give you recommendations on how to save or make more money.
  8. QuickBooks: One of the most popular accounting programs, QuickBooks is as fully featured as it gets. Get your finances in order, send invoices, create reports and much more.
  9. Freshbooks: Freshbooks promises “painless billing” to help reduce the amount of time you have to spend sending out invoices by making it easy to send out reports and manage invoices.
  10. Vebio: Freelancers and small business owners will find Vebio to be an especially useful accounting tool. It gives users an easy way to invoice clients and track client billing.
  11. Billing Orchard: Send online bills to clients with Billing Orchard. Whether you’re billing by hour, flat fee, or on a recurring basis, this program can help make it easier.
  12. BillMyClients: Make billing hassle free by using BillMyClients. Send out invoices via the post office or your email with just a click of a button.
  13. Cashboard: This free program will help make logging time and getting paid simple and easy so you’ll have more time to dedicate to other tasks. Design attractive invoices and even integrate Cashboard with Basecamp to keep clients in the loop.
  14. Fluttervoice: Looks matter when it comes to representing your business, so make attractive invoices with Fluttervoice.
  15. Invoice Genie: Invoice Genie gives you an easy way to create invoices, track time, schedule meetings, and manage all of your fiances within one program.
  16. Invoices Made Easy: Designed for small, service-based businesses, this program allows users to print, email, track and even get paid right from the office.
  17. Invoice Place: Save time preparing invoices with Invoice Place. You’ll be able to manage invoices on the run, get overseas currency support, and send and receive billing on everything.
  18. Invotrak: Don’t miss out on payments. Use Invotrak to keep your invoices in order. Track, bill, and manage all of your billing information in one easy-to-use program.
  19. SimplyBill: SimplyBill lives up to its name by making billing extremely simple. Create new invoices, track old ones, and do so much more.
  20. The Invoice Machine: Send out PDF invoices with this easy-to-use online program.


These tools will help you keep track of your messages and incoming calls.

  1. FaxZERO: While sending things via email is often easier and faster, sometimes you just need to send a fax. Don’t buy an expensive fax machine for this, just use this online program to send a fax anywhere in the United States or Canada for free.
  2. eBuddy: Keep in touch when you’re out of the office with ebuddy. It allows users to sign on to various instant messenger services from a mobile phone, meaning no important contact with clients will be sacrificed if you need to run some errands on your lunch hour.
  3. Gaboogie: You won’t need an assistant to remind you of your conference calls with Gaboogie. This web-based program will make the calls for you and eliminate the need for long passwords and PIN numbers.
  4. AbbyMe: Send phone messages over the Internet with AbbyMe. It can be a great way to send out meeting reminders ahead of time. Simply type in your message and the phone number you want it sent to and the program will read the message to the recipient, acting like your personal assistant without the paycheck.
  5. K7: FaxZERO lets you send out faxes, but you can receive them without an actual fax machine with K7. K7 will assign you a phone number for faxes which will be directed to your inbox.
  6. GrandCentral: Make managing multiple phone lines easy with GrandCentral. The program gives you one number that rings all your phones, goes to one voicemail box, plus lots of extra features.


Make sorting through your inbox easier with these email tools.

  1. Viapoint: Don’t waste time hunting through your inbox for important emails. Viapoint will help you organize emails by contact, company, project or date range without you having to do a thing.
  2. Thunderbird: If you’re looking to an alternative to Outlook, give Thunderbird a try. It’s free, and allows you to customize your email experience.
  3. Plaxo: This online address book service allows you to automatically update your contacts as you or others change them in Plaxo, Outlook or Thunderbird.
  4. Breeze: Don’t spend hours creating and mailing email campaigns to customers. Just use Breeze to easily send out mailings to hundreds of customers at once.
  5. DropSend: Don’t bog down your servers sending out huge emails. Instead, use the service from DropSend to send files of up to 1GB.
  6. iContact: Make email marketing easy with iContact. Send out email campaigns, and track and organize them easily with this program.
  7. Sproutit Mailroom: Overwhelmed by your website email but can’t afford to hire an assistant? Sproutit Mailroom can help by allowing everyone on your team to manage and respond to the emails.
  8. 9cays: Save time reading through email with the great features on 9cays. Instead of paging through tons of responses to group emails, 9cays allows you to create a webpage with all the messages in one easy to read place.
  9. MailWasher: If your email doesn’t already have a spam filter, MailWasher offers a great free solution that will help make navigating through your email easier.
  10. BlueTie: For the small business owner looking for a hosted email solution, BlueTie can be a great choice. You’ll get email as well as tons of other business boosting features.
  11. Contact Grabber: Make collecting contact information easy with Contact Grabber. Simply highlight an email address and the program will save it for you easily and quickly.
  12. Skemma: Save time by automating communications between your coworkers, clients, vendors and more with Skemma.


Plan your day with as little hassle as possible using these great tools.

  1. Acuity Scheduling: Let clients do the scheduling for you with this online tool. Simply set your availability, types of appointments you accept, and clients will choose the appointment they want.
  2. Calendar Hub: This online calendar can be a great place to keep track of appointments and company goals and you can access it from anywhere.
  3. epointment: Create an online agenda as epointment. You’ll find tools to schedule meetings, keep track of important dates, and even get reminders sent to your phone if you’re not on the Internet.
  4. Schedulebook: Schedulebook will make it easy to schedule meeting rooms, supplies, and appointments depending on your needs.
  5. SmartCal: SmartCal is a great way to keep yourself organized and schedule appointments online. You can also get reminders, organize groups and much more when you sign up.
  6. ScheduleAnywhere: Need to schedule your employees for hours, meetings or conferences? Try out ScheduleAnywhere to make scheduling easy and quick.
  7. EZAgenda: This web-based scheduler is integrated with your email, allowing you to add appointments and share them easily.
  8. MyMRM: Have trouble with scheduling space in your office? Don’t fight over the conference room, try using MyMRM to let everyone know and share scheduled time.
  9. OrgScheduler: If you don’t have a personal assistant or secretary, OrgScheduler can make it easy to share an organization-wide calendar that lets employees know about important meetings, company holidays and more.
  10. Memo to Me: Get a friendly reminder sent to you with the Memo to Me service. Remind yourself or others of meetings, deadlines, projects and anything else you can think of.

Presentations and Meetings

Use these tools to get ready for your next big meeting with clients or investors.

  1. Campfire: If you need to have a quick online meeting, Campfire can be a great tool. Private, password-protected chatrooms can be set up quickly and easily.
  2. GoToMeeting: Web conference with ease using GoToMeeting. You’ll be able to share files, give presentations, and more with a subscription to the service.
  3. Demofuse: Create tours of your website, or a client’s site, and send or embed them in a webpage with Demofuse. It’s a great way to show off your work!
  4. Dimdim: This open source meeting web conferencing tool will make setting up and attending online meetings easy as pie. You’ll also be able to share presentations, applications and even your desktop through the program.
  5. PreZentit: PreZentit will allow you to create wonderful presentations online and share them with clients or anyone you’d like.
  6. Screencast-o-Matic: Make showing clients how to use software or websites a snap with this program. It creates a video recording of your screen and the site hosts it for free.
  7. SlideBurner: Create slideshows of your work or business and share them with clients all over the world.
  8. Spresent: If you’re looking for an alternative to PowerPoint, give Spresent a try. This web-based program is flash based and easy-to-use.
  9. Thumbstacks: Make presentations and share them with coworkers and clients online with Thumbstacks.
  10. Viewbook: Viewbook is a great place to store your presentations, slideshows and portfolios online so they can easily be mailed to others or retrieved later for use.

Information Management

Keep track of important information, files, and anything else with these organizational tools.

  1. Basecamp: Store and share information online with Basecamp. Collaborate with coworkers or just keep your files in a secure place online.
  2. Project Don’t keep your clients in the dark about information on your projects. Keep your status online so you won’t have to field constant calls.
  3. iOrganize: Keep all your important information like contacts, notes, and bookmarks in one place with iOrganize so you won’t be left wishing you could call someone else to find them.
  4. Get your ideas out there with’ online brainstorming tools. Create mind maps, write down ideas, share them with others and more.
  5. Cebase: Cebase is an impressive online database program. A simple point and click interface lets you enter data and quickly share it with anyone you’d like.
  6. DabbleDB:Get tons of great features with this database program. Users can enter data, share it, change views and more.
  7. Domain Log Book: Own multiple domains for your business? Keep track of them and view their page rank with this program.
  8. Fluxiom: Manage your digital media with this online tool. Host your pictures, marketing materials, contracts and more on Fluxiom.
  9. iOutliner: Organize your thoughts, ideas, projects and anything else you can think of into structured outlines with iOutliner.
  10. Lazybase: Would you like to create an online database but want it to be easy? Try out Lazybase. You can upload any kind of information you want by using a secret URL.
  11. Quickbase: This web-based database from Intuit is great for project management, sales management and much more.

Project and Time Management

Your time is valuable, so don’t waste it on tasks you don’t need to. Instead, use these tools to help you make the most of it and keep your projects running smoothly without any outside assistance.

  1. Harvest: Track your time with this simple web-based program. You can even generate reports to let clients know the status of your projects or just keep track of time for your own purposes.
  2. Dot Project: This open-source project management tool can help you get your next project organized and on task.
  3. FunctionFox: If you’re in a creative line of business, give FunctionFox a try for tracking your projects and making sure everything progresses smoothly.
  4. 88 Miles: Keep track of how much time you’re spending on all of your projects for easy billing. 88 Miles lets you easily punch in and out of projects and has an on-screen timer to let you know how much time has elapsed.
  5. ActionThis: ActionThis is a web-based team management program with great centralized project management as well as systems to track client information and individual assignments.
  6. Clocking IT: Track your task progress and time at once with Clocking IT. Features include tagging, search, milestones and integrated wikis.
  7. Emergent Task Timer: This timer from the Printable CEO can help you break tasks down into 15 minute intervals.
  8. PunchyTime: Keep track of the time you spend on every project as you work, rather than after the fact. PunchyTime is a great solution for creative companies working by the hour.
  9. Project Insight: Project Insight is one of the leading online project management systems. It’s intuitive and easy to use and will allow you to collaborate easily with coworkers.
  10. Timepost: This project timer will automatically get all your projects and to-dos from different web project managers, saving you the hassle of having to re-enter things from each program.

Client Relations

You won’t need an assistant to bring up customer contact information with these programs. It will already be at your fingertips from just about anywhere.

  1. DocuSign: Need something signed right away? Dont’ bother sending it over, get a signature online with DocuSign. Get legally binding signatures that allow you to seal the deal quickly, shutting out the competition.
  2. HoneyPitch: Put together proposals, presentations, contracts and estimates with this great CRM tool.
  3. ClientScribe: Keep track of all your client contacts using ClientScribe. You can keep your emails, phone records, faxes and proposals in one place, organized by client.
  4. Entellium: This CRM tool has award-winning design, free support and great features to help you treat your customers like they deserve.
  5. Highrise: Keep in touch with your customers with the online contact management system in Highrise.
  6. Heap: This is a simple CRM system that allows you to instant message, keep track of a calendar, and organize contacts.
  7. Pipeline Deals: Make CRM easy with Pipeline Deals’ simple notebook format that allows you to organize files, emails, notes and documents.
  8. Relenta CRM: Relenta CRM makes keeping track of customer data easy with systems to manage contact info, documents and much more.
  9. Sugar CRM: This CRM program focuses on improving your sales performance and marketing effectiveness.
  10. vtiger: vtiger is a great open-source CRM designed for small businesses. Users will get access to features for automation, customer support, sales, marketing, inventory management and more.

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Bilgi - Ofis politikalari gelistirmek (Ing.)

How to Improve Your Skills at Office Politics

By Penelope Trunk (Boston Globe)

The world is full of people who think they are going to get ahead by putting their head down and doing their work. It's a myth that good work makes a good career. Really, good office politics makes a good career.

But why is everyone so pissy about office politics? You know who is good at office politics, people with empathy, people who are great time managers, and people who see themselves as part of a team. Which means, of course, that you should get good at office politics, because the people who are bad at it have dead-end careers, and spend their lives whining about how it's not fair because they are so good at doing their work.

Realize that it's about being nice

It's very difficult to do office politics because you have to figure out the Venn diagram of what people are having a hard time with, and what you are particularly skilled at, and where those circles intersect. This means you need a lot of self-knowledge about your strengths, and you need a lot of emotional intelligence to understand what other people struggle with.

But then, you need to actually help someone. This mean that after you've spent all that extra time getting to know someone else's situation, you need to spend more extra time doing some work to help that person. Maybe it's staying late with them to get something done. Maybe it's negotiating something for them because they are bad at negotiating. It could be anything, really, but it takes time to help someone.

In order to get extra time to do all this, you need to be so dedicated to helping people that you need to do your own work extra efficiently to make time to be nice. What a lovely workplace, right? Where everyone is nice to each other? Great. You can start that right now by getting a better attitude about office politics.

Don't rely on your job competence

There is great research to show that people value social skills at work more than they value job skills. Here's a clear example: People would rather work with someone who is likable and incompetent than someone who is competent but a not likable . And when someone is a jerk, people start thinking the person is less competent, whether it's actually true or not.

What does this mean for you? Stop saying that you don't have time for office politics. Because office politics is really about being likable, and the best way to look competent at work is not to do good work as much as to be likable. So let some of the details go, get rid of your perfectionist tendencies, (which will probably eventually make you a depressive anyway) and start wandering around your office getting to know people.

Blame yourself first

If you are bad at office politics, it is not because the people you work with suck. It's because you suck. You need to get better at dealing with a wide range of people. People with empathy have a strong tendency to want to understand all people, not just the people who are scintillating and competent and fun.

A great test of your emotional intelligence is looking at the range of people you get along with. Strong emotional intelligence means you can get along with almost anyone. So instead of complaining about being shut out of the political arena at your office, figure out how to get along with people who don't like you – by understanding what motivates them.

Go to couples therapy

Generally speaking, the obnoxious things we do with our significant other are the same obnoxious things we do at work. In the office people are too well behaved to scream at you about your personality deficiencies, but at home, surely your significant other has let you know in no uncertain terms why you are annoying.

A great way to figure out how to overcome your personality challenges is to go to couples therapy and practice on your spouse or whatever the person is to you. They have more patience than your boss, for one thing. For another, it feels safer. I mean, you probably won't get fired.

When I went with my husband I was shocked to find that the exact problems I needed to fix on with my co-workers were the problems I needed to fix with my husband. I'm not saying I did it right away, but I learned a lot about myself.

Be your true self

If you want to be good at office politics, you have to care about office politics. You must genuinely want to help people and you must get personal pleasure out of figuring out peoples' strengths and weaknesses. Otherwise, your energy in this arena will feel false, which is no way to connect with people. And, when all is said and done, office politics is about making authentic connections.