Perşembe, Mayıs 24, 2007

Bilgi - Sivrisinek ıssırığının tedavisi (ing)

How to Treat a Mosquito Bite

Avoiding mosquito bites should be your first line of defense, but if the little bloodsuckers bite, you'll need some defense against itching and infection.

1. Wash the infected area with soap and water as soon as you recognize that you've been bitten. Try to keep the site clean and dry until the irritation abates.

2. Avoid scratching. Although a mosquito bite should itch for only a few days, continual scratching will increase your discomfort and may prolong the itching.

3. Make a paste of baking soda and water, using just enough water to make the paste sticky. Spread the mixture on the bites.

4. Rub soap directly on the bite. This is an oft-repeated home remedy for mosquito bites.

5. Apply an ice pack or ice wrapped in a washcloth to the bite area.

6. Use calamine lotion or a topical anesthetic containing pramoxine to help relieve pain and itching.

7. Purchase 1-percent hydrocortisone cream to alleviate the itching. Follow directions on the package for safe use.

8. Use an anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce any accompanying swelling or redness.

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