Cumartesi, Ağustos 18, 2007

Bilgi - Kilitli torbaların 25 farklı kullanımı (Ing.)

25 Uses for Ziploc Bags

Ziploc bags were invented in 1968. According to SC Johnson, the average American now uses more than 40 Ziploc bags a year.

For those who are looking to get a bit more use out of their Ziploc bags, here are 25 additional ways to use them while traveling, camping, shopping and more.

1. Keep your umbrella dry while out shopping.

2. Protect your valuables while riding water rides.

3. Knead dough. Ziploc bags allow you to knead dough without getting your fingers sticky.

4. Keep your panty hose organized in Ziploc bags. You can organize them by brand, size, and color. Store each pair in their own bag to prevent


5. Turn a Ziploc bag into a pastry bag by snipping off a tiny corner. This allows you to frost a cake without any special tools.

6. Is your piecrust made of graham crackers or vanilla wafers? You can create your scrumptious topping by filling a Ziploc bag with the cookies

and then rolling a pin over it.

7. Ice an injury. Ziploc bags make for an excellent cold compress.

8. Ziploc your stuff at airport security. By ziploccing your stuff before arriving at the airport, you can pass through checkpoints quickly.

9. Remove chewing gum or candle wax from a tablecloth, carpeting, or the couch. Gently rub the gum or wax with a Ziploc bag filled with ice cubes until

the substance hardens. Once the gum or wax hardens, shatter it with a hammer and vacuum up the chips. Carefully peel off any frozen wax with a plastic


10. If you have to crush up nuts, simply put them in a Ziploc bag and take a hammer to them.

11. When traveling, pack your delicate clothes in large Ziploc bags to keep your clothes clean and tidy, even after the TSA inspectors have pummeled through all

of your belongings.

12. While traveling, create a homemade first aid kit and store it in a Ziploc bag.

13. If you don’t have a funnel on hand, you can always cut a hole in the corner of a Ziploc bag. In just a few seconds you have instantly created your own

homemade funnel.

14. Put a coloring page inside of a Ziploc bag and let your children trace them with wipe-off markers. You have instantly created a reusable

coloring page that can be used over and over again.

15. Are you looking to stay organized while camping? Why not pack 1 set of clothes for each day in a Ziploc bag. This way, you have your shorts, shirt,

underwear, and socks all in one Ziploc bag that you can take with you to the shower. Not to mention, it also saves on packing space.

16. Refrigerate marinating meats inside a Ziploc bag.

17. Keep your jewelry organized while on a weekend trip.

18. Save on packing space by using your vacuum cleaner to suck all of the air out of your Ziploc bags. This allows you to store pillows,

blankets, and sweaters at 1/2 to 1/10 of their original size.

19. Store Lego’s in a Ziploc bag for quick clean up and storage.

20. You can also store markers and pens in a Ziploc bag. This way, the kids can easily open and close the bags when needed.

21. The next time you go on a picnic, store all of your napkins and plastic utensils in a Ziploc bag to prevent them from flying a way.

22. Store your silver jewelry in a Ziploc bag to keep it brighter for a longer period of time.

23. When traveling, use Ziploc bags to store toothpaste, shampoo, and makeup. This way, if anything spills or leaks, your clothes

are still protected.

24. When moving, pack all of your computer cords and wires into separate Ziploc bags. This prevents the cords from getting jumbled

into a tangled mess. With all of your cords in separate Ziploc bags, you will be able to unpack faster.

25. And of course, you can always use Ziploc bags for their traditional uses like packing sandwiches and snacks.

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