How to Give Yourself to Whatever the Moment Brings, and Forget Stress
Written by Leo Babauta.
The prevailing way of living in our Western societies is to plan out our lives, both for the long term and on a day-to-day basis.
We have planners and digital calendars that map out our lives, sometimes to the minute. We feel we’re in control, with plans like this.
But it’s an illusion, as I’ve said before.
We cannot control our lives to this degree, no matter how we try. Things will always come up to spoil the best-laid plans, and the more detailed our plans the more of a guarantee that something will go wrong.
And what happens when the plans go wrong? We are stressed out, because things get out of our control and don’t live up to our expectations. This is one of the greatest sources of stress for most people, actually.
Think about how often your days actually go according to plan, exactly — it’s pretty rare, because we have no way of predicting the future. No matter how hard we try. There’s always an email that will disrupt things, a last-minute meeting, cancellations and postponements, emergencies and fires to put out.
So if plans will almost always go wrong, and when they do we get stressed out, isn’t all the time we spend creating the plans a bit of a waste?
But what’s the alternative? Giving yourself to the moment. This will not work for everyone, I’ll admit: there are those who will have a hard time giving up the illusion of control, and others who are controlled by their bosses or peers and cannot work or live this way.
Still, it’s something worth considering. Here’s how to do it — starting with the don’ts:
Don’t plan. Planning is an attempt to control the world around us, but it’s a futile attempt. Throw out your plans, for now at least until you’ve decided this method isn’t for you. What do you do instead? More on this below. For now, just stop planning.
Don’t worry about the future. Will something bad happen? Are there things coming up that we must anticipate and prepare for? Of course, if there’s a massive hurricane headed your way, you should probably get ready. But otherwise, just realize that the future is unpredictable, and worrying about it is a waste of time. Focus on right now, and you’ll always be able to handle what comes.
Don’t have expectations. If you expect people to act a certain way, or hope that things will turn out a certain way, you’ll always run into problems. Forget about outcomes for now. Go into things without expectations, and they will always turn out perfectly (if a bit messy).
Don’t get annoyed when others act a certain way. Don’t expect people to act any way other than how they actually act. They are exactly the way they should be — even if that’s selfish or weird or aggressive. Those are their problems. Your problem is figuring out how you should act. I’d also advise you to try to understand others — why do they act the way they do?
Don’t overreact. This is a major problem when people plan and things go wrong — they overreact, and get upset and emotional and blow things out of proportion. Stay calm, because if things “go wrong”, they didn’t actually go wrong — they just happened. More on how to react below.
Don’t try to be proactive. This is a common prescription (being proactive) in management and business literature. And while I think the general idea is fine — do something to prevent problems from recurring rather than just fixing them after they happen — one of the problems this creates is always worrying about what might happen. And creating solutions before there are problems — if there never is a problem, you’ve wasted a lot of time creating the solution, and a lot of energy worrying about the future.
And now for the dos:
Do be open. What would it be like to go into each day without a plan, but just to see what happens? A bit scary, because of the lack of security and control, a bit chaotic perhaps, a bit like we’re a piece of driftwood floating in the middle of a churning sea. But in truth, this is what it’s like to go into each day *with* a plan — it’s just that we normally fool ourselves about the amount of control we have. So start the day with no plan, and be open to what emerges in each moment.
Do what you love. So what should you do, now that you have no plan? Do what you’re passionate about, do what excites you right now. Create something amazing. Pour yourself energetically into a project. Build something new. And what you think you’re creating might turn out to be completely different from what emerges, but you’ll have fun doing it and something even better might be revealed.
Do act, in the moment. Giving yourself to the moment doesn’t mean being passive and just letting life happen. It means acting, but doing what is best at this moment, what you are excited about right now, what needs to be done, in the present.
Do respond appropriately. Life happens, and we must respond. But instead of overreacting, we can respond calmly and appropriately. We can take the action that’s required, fix the problem, do what’s necessary to prevent it from happening again, and move on without it ruining our day.
Do accept. Accept what happens. It might not be what you considered ideal, but it’s what life has given you, what has resulted from your actions in an unpredicatable world. Accept it, respond, act, move on. Don’t get caught up in things not going your way, but accept that’s what has happened.
Again, this way of living won’t be for everybody. Some don’t have the freedom to live this way, and others just won’t give up control. Some will think this is a passive way of living, but it really isn’t: it’s just a way of living in the moment without being caught up in the future (or the past) so much.
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Ten Simple Ways to Spend Less Money
By Danny Gamanche
There are two ways to get ahead financially. The first is to make more money; perhaps that is the obvious one. The other is to spend less money.
Out of the two options, saving money is actually more valuable. If you make an extra $1 you will need to pay taxes, say 25%, so you would then have $0.75 left. Certainly that is more than you had before but you don’t get to keep the full dollar. However, if you save $1 you get to keep it all. So saving money is a great way to get ahead financially.
While I am sure you have heard a lot of these before, I'd bet that most people don't practice each of these on a consistent basis. While you review the list, think of how you can make a minor adjustments to your week and then do a little math to figure out how much you'd save over the course of a year.
Here are ten simple ways to spend less money:
Use Cash
By using cash instead of credit or debit people spend a lot less money. On average people will spend 28% less with cash than with a credit card, and 18% less with cash than if they use a debit card. There are several reasons why this is true: cash creates an emotional connection, such that you actually notice when you spend it. Further if you only spend cash you know that you can’t spend more when you run out and as such you are more consciously aware of how much you have left.
Track Your Spending
If you keep track of your spending, you will become aware of patterns. You will notice the types of things that you waste money on, the types of things that add up to more than you think, and you will see ways to save money. For example, you might not realize how much you spend each month on your morning coffee. By recording it and noticing at the end of the month how much you spent, you may realize that it is a lot more than you think.
Have a Budget
Having a budget places restrictions on how much you will spend on different categories. You will know exactly what is coming in and what is going out. You can also work on reducing the amount you spend in different categories over time. People often make budgeting very complex. You can often be more effective with a simple budget system that places your spending into a few broad categories.
Cut One Monthly Expense
Eliminating one monthly expenditure from your budget can have a huge effect on your available funds. Think through the different expenses you have that occur monthly. These might be things like your electrical bill, cell phone bill or car payment. You may also have things such as website memberships, gym memberships, or other reoccurring fees. Obviously some of these are things that you can’t change, but simply look for one of these that you can eliminate and do so. While $20 or $30 a month doesn’t seem like much it adds up quickly over the course of a year or several years.
Walk or Bike More
By walking or biking more frequently you are able to eliminate several expenses. The most obvious is the gas costs but it goes much deeper. You will also save on parking fees and on wear and tear on your car. You will need fewer oil changes and have fewer problems.
Do it Yourself
Another way to save money is by considering things you pay someone else to do that you could really do yourself. Perhaps you pay someone to cut your grass, change your oil, or clean your home. Are some of these things that you could do yourself? You can take this a step forward by doing things like making gifts for others. Homemade Christmas gifts or Birthday gifts are often more meaningful than purchased items, plus they are another way to save money.
Borrow Things from Others Instead of Buying Them
If you are looking to make a purchase for something that you will only use periodically you should consider borrowing it from a friend, neighbor or family member. For example, I have an agreement with my neighbor where he allows me to borrow his lawnmower. In exchange, I pay the gas (probably $10 a summer for both of us to use it), and I store his lawnmower in our heated garage during the winter. This has not only saved me the purchase price of a lawnmower but the maintenance hassles that come with it. Another example is DVDs. My friends and I swap DVDs of our favorite movies and television shows. Many people are able to enjoy the product instead of spending the extra money to purchase it.
Become a Home Economist
Someone who is very intentional about managing the finances of a home can save a lot of money by making deliberate decisions. Being a home economist means watching for sales, collecting coupons, and looking for other ways of saving money. Saving a little here and a little there quickly adds up.
Eat Out Less
The amount of money people spend eating out is shocking. Often when people start tracking their spending this is the category that is the most surprising. You save substantially by eating out less. Look for times when you can bring a lunch with you instead of going out for food. Carry meal replacement bars with you for when your schedule changes suddenly. Even cutting out a couple of meals a week from your expenditures can go a long way.
Pay off a High Interest Debt
These tips apply, of course, only if your in-laws aren’t actually abusive, or dangerous, or so malicious that it’s just not possible to be around them. Assuming that they aren’t quite that horrible, here are some points to consider:
1. Remember the mere exposure effect. It turns out that familiarity breeds affection. The "mere exposure effect" means that repeated exposure makes people like music, faces--even nonsense syllables--better. The more often you see another person, the more intelligent and attractive you tend to find that person. Instead of avoiding your mother-in-law, take the time to see her and talk to her. That may ease your relationship.
2. Act the way you want to feel. Counter-intuitive as it may sound, feelings follow actions. Before an encounter with your in-laws, take the time to put yourself in a friendly, calm frame of mind, or at least try to act that way when you see them. If you go into a situation acting angry, defensive, or suspicious, you'll invoke that emotion in yourself, and likely a negative reaction from others. If you’re feeling more light-hearted, you won’t be as quick to take offense.
3. Avoid pointless bickering. If you and your in-laws fight about something, like politics or religion, year after year, try to agree to disagree. Are you going to change the voting or eating habits of your 75-year-old father-in-law? Or your 35-year-old son-in-law? Similarly, avoid carping. In general, pointing out people’s mistakes or criticizing their choices isn’t polite, and it isn’t welcome – and it’s not effective!
4. Mindfully articulate, and act in accordance with, your own values. One of the great mysteries of human nature is that when we accept ourselves, other people tend to accept us. When we don’t accept ourselves, people tend to pester us. If you know your own values, and live according to them, people’s pointed remarks don’t sting nearly as much, and strangely, they often back off. (Yet another reason to follow my First Commandment.)
For example, although she almost never says anything about it, I know that my mother-in-law wishes my children dressed in more classic kids’ clothes. Corduroy jumpers, tasteful dresses, etc. And truth be told, that’s what I would like them to wear, too. But that’s not what my daughters like. The big one wants to be more fashionable; the little one favors sparkles, sequins, and bright colors.
A while back, I decided, “Within the boundaries of cost and age-appropriateness, I’ll let my daughters dress the way they like. This isn’t an issue where my taste needs to prevail.” (At times, it has been hard to live up to this resolution.)
Because I’m living according to my own values, it doesn’t bother me that my mother-in-law doesn’t approve. I believe in my approach. So if you’re annoyed by someone’s remarks about your household décor, your income, your cooking, your work habits, your cleaning habits, your life decisions (starting a family, where to live, buying a kitten), ask yourself, “Am I living according to my own values?” If you are, criticism slides off more easily.
5. Children, of course, can be a big source of contention. Try to keep some perspective. Samuel Johnson wrote, “All severity that does not tend to increase good, or prevent evil, is idle.” In keeping with this philosophy, I decided, “If it’s not actually harmful, I’ll let others take care of my daughters in their own way.” A friend of mine – the educational, wooden toy, no TV type of parent – was furious when her mother-in-law bought her daughter a “My Little Pony” pony. They had a huge fight about it. Do you really want to have that fight?
6. Remember grandparent privilege. When I was little, my grandmother would buy us any junk food we wanted (chiefly PopTarts) and let us stay up until midnight watching TV. My sister and I loved it. Did this do us any lasting harm? No. And we didn’t expect junk food or midnight TV at home, either. Grandparents get to be indulgent, if they want. Or super-strict, or have weird rules. That’s grandparent privilege.
7. Remember parent privilege. Maybe you think it’s ridiculous for parents today to fuss so much about car seats, trans fats, violence on TV, allergies, rigidly enforced bedtimes, etc., etc. Or maybe you think your children are too permissive as parents. The fact is, most parents really want to do the right thing for their children, and if they feel that you don’t respect their rules and their approach, that will be an issue.
8. Respect others’ priorities. If you’re having trouble with someone, ask yourself, “What’s important to this person?” That we all have Thanksgiving dinner together? That we go to church together? That the grandchildren come visit for the weekend? That we dress a certain way? Unless it violates your deeply held principles, it’s generous to try to respect other people’s priorities – and it sure promotes peace. Even if you dismiss celebrating Mother’s Day as an empty, consumerist ritual, or you think it’s ridiculous to have to change into a button-down shirt for dinner, you can do it because it’s the loving thing to do.
9. Think about your spouse or your child. You’re in a relationship with this difficult in-law because of someone you love. What’s best for that person? Do you need to try to break the tension? Change the subject? Avoid difficult situations? Bite your tongue? Endure excruciating boredom? Sometimes you can behave nicely for someone else’s happiness, even if you’d be very happy to pitch a battle, if left to your own devices.
10. Focus on the positive. Find ways to be grateful for your in-laws. At the very least, your in-laws are the parents of your spouse, or the beloved of your child. Look for the good. Try to make jokes. It could probably be worse.
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The 50 best things to eat in the world, and where to eat them
From cake, steak and tapas, to oysters, chicken and burgers, Killian Fox roamed the world to find the 50 best things to eat and the best places to eat them in, with a little help from professionals like Raymond Blanc, Michel Roux, Ruth Rogers and Rose Gray
1. Best place to eat: Oysters.
Strangfor Lough, Northern Ireland
Richard Corrigan reckons Strangford Lough oysters are the world’s best. Photograph: John Smith/Corbis
"If I were to die tomorrow, I'd walk to Strangford, get a couple of bottles of really cold Chablis, and eat as many Strangford Lough oysters as I could. Then I'd die very happily indeed. There are very few places you can get Strangford Lough oysters now. Last time, we bought some from a company called Cuan and went to a beautiful local pub and opened them ourselves. The speed of the tidal movement, and the huge nutrient richness of the water, is what makes them so good. The only accompaniment you need is lemon juice and black pepper: you'd never ever use vinegar and shallots or Tabasco."
Cuan Oysters, Sketrick Island, Killinchy, Newtownards, County Down, Northern Ireland, 02897 541461, www.cuanoysters.com
2. Best place to eat: Aubergines
Ta Kioupa, Athens
"The aubergines were slow- baked for six hours, brought to the table whole, and skinned in front of us. They took out the flesh, crisscrossed the aubergines with two knives, and then added whipped cream with hazelnuts, lemon, sweet pepper, oil, feta cheese, salt and pepper. Incredible."
Dinokratous & An, Polemou 22, Kolonaki, 11521 Athens, 0030 210 7400150, www.takioupia.com
3. Best place to eat: Hamburgers
Little Owl, New York
There are many fine hamburgers in New York, even the most mediocre of which would put its British counterparts to shame. But the best is the bacon cheeseburger at a small Greenwich Village bistro called Little Owl. "This sandwich is so copiously juicy, so rich with precious bodily fluids," says Josh Ozersky, author of The Hamburger: A History, "that it practically haemorrhages onto the plate. But the meat, which is a signature blend from New York's virtuoso hamburger maker Pat La Frieda, is perfectly paired with a bun of uniquely moist and yielding character. It's by far the best cheeseburger in this or any other city."
90 Bedford St, New York, 001 212 741 4695, www.thelittleowlnyc.com
4. Best place to eat: Zabaglione
La Cinzianelle
The best place in the world to eat zabaglione, according to Giorgio Locatelli, is at his uncle's restaurant, La Cinzianell, in Corgeno, northern Italy. "As the sun goes down behind Monte Rosa and it starts getting a bit chilly, the thing I enjoy most is the zabaglione prepared by my cousin Maurizio…"
Via Lago, 26 Corgeno, 0039 0 331 946 337
5. Best place to eat: Pho
Pho 24, Vietnam
Vietnam’s signature dish Pho at 'Pho 24' in Hanoi, Vietnam. Photograph: Krista Kennell/Corbis
Pho, a noodle soup with thin slices of meat (usually beef but sometimes chicken), is Vietnam's signature dish, and the issue of who makes it best is as tangled as white rice noodles in tasty broth. The Hanoi streets throw up a lot of persuasive contenders, such as the shack at 172 Ton Duc Thang Street. However, the sleek chain restaurant Pho 24, with branches around the country and across Asia, produces Vietnam's most reliably good pho. The meat is of a consistently high quality – a rarity in Vietnam – and the stock impresses even the hardest-to-please critics.
5 Nguyen Thiep Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (and other locations). 0084 88226278, www.pho24.com.vn
7. Best place to eat: Macaroons
Laduree, Paris
The original M Ladurée opened his bakery on the rue Royale in 1862. In 1930 his grandson invented the double-decker macaroon – two shells of the meringue-like pastry held together by creamy ganache filling. Ladurée has produced the definitive macaroons ever since. In recent years the company has opened shops around the world, but the original is by far the best.
16 rue Royale, 75008 Paris, 0033 01 42 60 21 79, www.laduree.fr
8. Best place to eat: Roast Chicken
L'Ami Louis, Paris
This Paris fixture, open since 1924, is the ultimate French bistro. Heads of state (Clinton, Gorbachev) and cultural giants (Welles, Hemingway) have come here to feast on sumptuous roast chicken, served whole with matchstick pommes frites and a simple green salad. It's touristy and expensive and the decor is a bit clichéd, but such details become trivial once the chicken (which inspired Simon Hopkinson to write his much-loved Roast Chicken and Other Stories) turns up at the table.
32 rue du Vertbois, 3e, 3rd arrondissement, Paris, 0033 1 48 87 77 48
9. Best place to drink: Milkshakes
Fosselman's, Los Angeles
The ingredients for the perfect milkshake are extremely good ice cream mixed with just the right amount of milk, and a classic American setting. The award-laden Fosselman's, in the LA suburb of Alhambra, has been offering both since 1924. The milkshakes, made with home-made ice cream, taste like you'd expect milkshakes to taste in the movies. Make a beeline for the double-chocolate malt.
1824 W Main Street, Alhambra, Los Angeles, 001 626 282 6533, www.fosselmans.com
10. Best place to eat: Texas barbecue
Snow's, Texas
The title of best BBQ joint in Texas is hotly contested in a state where the consumption of charred meats is as serious as religion. Texas Monthly magazine does the definitive annual poll. Most recently, the magazine awarded the title to Snow's, a rank outsider that has been trading a mere five years. Run by a former rodeo clown and an elderly lady named Tootsie, the restaurant only opens on Saturday mornings and consists of a small number of tables around a smoking pit.
516 Main Street, Lexington, Texas, 001 979 773 4640 (Saturday only), www.snowsbbq.com
11. Best place to eat: Steak
El Carpicho, Jimenez de Jamuz, Spain
Time magazine called it "the perfect steak". American Vogue's exacting food writer Jeffrey Steingarten said it was "probably the greatest steak I've ever eaten". They were referring to an enormous chuletón taken from the central rib section of a 16-year-old Rubia Gallega ox, dry-aged for 90 days, and served in the cellar dining room of a rural bodega named El Capricho, near León in north-west Spain.
Paraje de las Bodegas, s/n, Jimenez de Jamuz, near León, Spain, 0034 987 664224
12. Best place to eat: Fish and chips
The Wee Chippy, Fife, Scotland
The nearby Anstruther Fish Bar wins all the plaudits – it was named Fish and Chip Shop of the Year by the National Federation of Fish Friers last January – but locals swear by its rival, The Wee Chippy, which serves sublime fish and chips on the same street and without the endless queues.
4 Shore Street, Anstruther, Fife, 01333 310106
13. Best place to eat: Strawberry tart
Restaurant de Bacon, Antibes, France
"When I go to the south of France in the summer, I always visit the Restaurant de Bacon in the Cap d'Antibes and I wait eagerly, in front of the sea and the old town, for the most amazing wild strawberry tart. The crust melts in the mouth, it is deliciously flavoured with butter, and once you have finished it you feel delightfully naughty."
688 Boulevard de Bacon, 06160 Cap D'Antibes, France, 0033 4 93 61 50 02, www.restaurantdebacon.com
14. Best place to eat: Pastrami on rye
Katz's Deli, New York
The mail order department of Katz's Delicatessen on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York. Photograph: Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images
The legendary pastrami on rye from Katz's, New York's oldest (and possibly shabbiest) deli, could qualify as king of all sandwiches by virtue of size alone: a whole pound of brined beef, pre-trimming, is used in each serving. The sandwich – stacks of juicy meat with mustard and pickles between slices of rye bread – is as jaw-dropping, taste-wise, as it is gobstopping. (Recall Meg Ryan's unfaked endorsement of it in When Harry Met Sally.)
205 E Houston Street at Ludlow Street, New York, 001 212 254 2246, www.katzdeli.com
15. Best place to eat: Custard tart
Antiga Confeitaria de Belem, Lisbon
Creamy, flaky custard tarts – served warm with cinnamon – are one of Portugal's great culinary gifts to the world. The original pasteis café in the Belém district of Lisbon, next to the monastery where the dessert was invented, is still the best: their secret recipe has been guarded since 1837. Sit down with a plateful, and a strong coffee, and you'll understand why more than 10,000 tarts are baked here every day.
Rua de Belém, 84-92, Belém, Lisbon, 00351 21 363 7423, www.pasteisdebelem.pt
16. Best place to eat: Leg of beef
Le Louchebem, Paris
"For the most wonderful leg of beef I can't go past Le Louchebem in Paris, a simple, plain café with a very, very good rotisserie, located in the old meat district of Les Halles. The beef comes with mashed potato and three different sauces."
31 rue Berger, Angle 10, rue des Prouvaires, Paris, 0033 1 42 33 12 99, www.le-louchebem.fr
17. Best place to drink: Tomato juice
Happy Girl Kitchen, California
"If you find yourself in Marin County, California, it's well worth the time to drive down the beautiful shoreline road to San Francisco and visit the Ferry Building for the heirloom organic tomato juice from Happy Girl Kitchen, which has a stall there on Saturdays. They blend it with coriander and chilli and it's quite literally the best tomato juice you'll ever taste."
Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market, One Ferry Building, San Francisco, 001 831 750 9579, www.happygirlkitchen.com
18. Best place to eat: Italian slow food
Coco Lezzone, Florence
"You can get the most amazing 'slow food' in this tiny family- run restaurant which has been around for about 30 years. It is famous for its pappa pomodoro and ribollita – the two most traditional Tuscan bread soups. And they do the most delicious arista: pork loin cooked on the bone, stuffed with fennel seeds, garlic and rosemary, and served at room temperature."
Via del Parioncino 26, Florence, Italy, 0039 05 52 87 17 8
19. Best place to eat: Nordic food
Olo, Helsinki
"When I'm back home in Finland, I always visit Olo in Helsinki. The chef, Pekka Terävä, has created a brand in its own right, cooking modern Nordic cuisine with the best seasonal ingredients."
Kasarmikatu 44, 00130 Helsinki, Finland. 00358 9 665 565, www.olo-restaurant.com
20. Best place to buy: Olive oil
Turkish embassy electrical supplies, London
Mehmet Murat in his electrical shop. Photograph: Andy Hall
The most unlikely olive oil vendor in the world? At his electrical supply shop in London's Clerkenwell, Mehmet Murat sells wonderful, intensely fruity oil from his family's olive groves in Cyprus and south-west Turkey. Now he imports more than a 1,000 litres per year. His lemon-flavoured oil is good enough to drink on its own.
76 Compton Street, London EC1, 020 7251 4721, www.planet mem.com
21. Best place to eat: Tacos
El Pastorcito, Mexico City
People drive the length and breadth of Mexico City, causing traffic jams, to get to this neighbourhood taqueria, which spills out onto the street from dusk till dawn. The main draw is their superlative tacos al pastor – a speciality of the capital – made with pork carved from a shawarma-style spit and ultra-fresh salsa served in dramatically massive stone bowls.
4503 Lorenzo Boturini Street, 24 de Abril, Mexico City, Mexico, 0051 55 5764 1185, www.elpastorcitodeboturini.com
22. Best place to eat: Peking Duck
Quanjude, Beijing
Beijing's most famous purveyor of Peking duck is nothing if not well-endorsed: more than 115 million ducks have been dished up in the restaurant's 145-year history, and China's first Premier, Zhou Enlai, personally chose the location for the seven-storey Hepingmen branch. Quantity hasn't affected quality: the duck, with its crispy red skin and melt-in-the-mouth flesh, is sublime – 400 versions of the classic dish are available: opt for the classic kaoya.
Hepingmen Dajie, Xuanwu District, Beijing, China, 0086 10 6552 3745, www.quanjude.com.cn
23. Best place to eat: Pork belly
Gramercy Tavern, New York
The dining room at Gramercy Tavern in New York. Photograph: Neville Elder/Corbis
"As far as I'm concerned, the Gramercy Tavern is one of the best places to eat in New York, and the best place to eat pig. It is very relaxed but serves spectacular food. I always have the rack of pork and braised belly and it always tastes perfect."
42 East 20th Street, New York, New York, 001 212 477 0777, www.gramercytavern.com
24. Best place to eat: Vegetarian Indian
Sagar Ratna, Delhi
"Sagar Ratna, in Delhi, serves South Indian vegetarian food – pukka food that nourishes the body and soul and is always in harmony with the seasons. My favourite dish there has always been idli sambhar: steamed rice cakes with coconut chutney and sambhar lentils."
18 Defence Colony Market, New Delhi, 110024, Delhi, India, 0091 11 24 33 36 58
25. Best place to eat: Sushi
Daiwa sushi, Tokyo
If you want the world's best sushi, don't even think of looking anywhere but Japan. Empty your bank account and eat at one of Tokyo's swankiest sushi temples, such as the three-Michelin-star Jiro in Ginza. Alternatively, go right to the heart of the action, to the city's overwhelming Tsukiji fish market (the largest on the planet), and eat unsurpassable sushi for a fraction of the price at Daiwa Sushi. It's a fast-moving hole-in-the-wall establishment without tables and it's only open for breakfast, but none of this matters once the expertly prepared rolls come your way. Try the melt-in-the-mouth tai, a type of sea bream that is impossible to get outside Japan.
Building 6, Chuo-ichiba, 5-2-1 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 0081 3 3547 6807
26. Best place to eat: Filipino cuisine
Lighthouse Restaurant, Cebu, Philippines
"The Lighthouse in Cebu in the Philippines is my favourite restaurant. We always eat bulalo (beef stew), banana heart salad, adobo (marinaded meat), baked oysters, pancit noodles, lechon de leche (suckling pig) and, to drink, green mango juice – my daughter is addicted to it! The staff are so friendly and welcoming. The chef has been there for more than 20 years, so the food is very consistent."
Gaisano Country Mall, Banilad, Cebu city, Philippines, 0063 32 231 2478
27. Best place to eat: California cuisine
Chez Panisse, Berkeley, California
"Chez Panisse doesn't just do the world's best Californian food: it is quite simply the best restaurant in the world. Superb."
1517 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, California, 001 510 548 5525, www.chezpanisse.com
28. Best place to eat: Algerian food
Restaurant Gnaoua, Algiers
"To get a really good North African meal in Algeria you have to get yourself invited to someone's house, and as there are so few tourists, people would love to have you to their home for a meal. The few restaurants around tend to serve bad French food. That said, there is a handful of really good grilled-fish restaurants down in the port in Algiers. My favourite is a small, traditional place called Restaurant Gnaoua. The owner, Hamidou, understands Algerian cuisine. It's not an easy cuisine to get, but he just does."
Cite Sahraoui, les Deux Bassins, Ben Aknoun, Algiers, Algeria
29. Best place to eat: Classic French cuisine,
Close des Gourmets, Paris
"I eat at Clos Des Gourmets two or three times a week when I'm in Paris. They only use seasonal ingredients and always add a touch of wackiness to very classic dishes. They love creating new things. I suppose it's new classic French cuisine. I'll have roast kidneys or grilled rabbit with fresh herbs in a white wine sauce, asparagus with truffle in early summer, and a lavender crème brûlée to finish. It's always madly busy but the dishes are always perfectly cooked. And it's amazingly cheap: ¤80 for three courses with wine. Unbelievable."
16 Avenue Rapp, Paris, 0033 1 45 51 75 61, www.closdesgourmets.com
30. Best place to eat: Tapas
Cal Pep, Barcelona
"Cal Pep does completely amazing tapas. It has a brilliant atmosphere, and the bar is presided over by the owner, Pep, himself. Order the langoustines with onions, chickpeas, spinach and bacon, and fried seafood."
Plaça de les Olles 8, Barcelona, 0034 93 31 07 961, www.calpep.com
31. Best place to eat: Pizza
Frank Pepe Pizzeria, New Haven, Conneticut
You could generate enough heat to fuel a brick oven with the argument over which country bakes the world's best pizza: Italy, where the concept originated, or America, where it was globalised. Neapolitan purists will make pilgrimages to hotspots such as La Sorrentina, outside Naples, whose chef has won the prestigious Naples Pizza Championship, but we contend that the upstart Yanks do it better. The best American pizza can be found, not in New York as is commonly assumed, but in New Haven, Connecticut, where the Pepe family has been spinning dough since 1925. Their white clam pie has no equals.
157 Wooster Street, New Haven, Connecticut, 001 203 865 5762, www.pepespizzeria.com
Pizzeria La Sorrentina, Via Domenico Pirozzi 37, Fratta Maggiore, Italy, 0039 338 3248615
32. Best place to eat: Thai curry
Krua Apsorn, Bangkok
"When I'm in Bangkok, I go to Apsorn's Kitchen, also known as Krua Apsorn, a small restaurant just up from the National Library. It is a great place to go for incredibly traditional Thai food. I have the crab in curry powder, followed by the deep-fried kingfish with green mango and the yellow curry with prawns and lotus shoots."
503-505 Sam San Road, Dusit, Bangkok, Thailand 0066 2 24 18 52 8
33. Best place to eat: Simple French food
Le Vin et L'Assiette, Besancon, France
"When I go home, I go to Le Vin et L'Assiette in Besançon and order pâté de campagne, a big chunk of crusty bread and a glass of wine. The restaurant is honest, simple, and a wonderful place. It has fantastic wine cellars with local wines that people would never have heard of."
97 rue Battant, Besançon, France, 0033 3 81 81 48 18
34. Best place to eat: Ice cream
Corrado Costanzo, Noto, Sicily
The legend about Romans making the earliest ice creams from the snows of Mount Etna may be apocryphal, but Sicily is still the best place for frozen treats in gelato-crazed Italy, and Italian ice cream, as everybody knows, is the finest in the world. (Gelato is made with considerably less butterfat than the heavier American variants, for starters.) Corrado Costanzo's pastry shop can be found in the crumbling baroque town of Noto, in the south-eastern corner of the island. We defy you to find an ice better than his transcendent mandarin-orange granita.
Via Silvio Spaventa 7, Noto, Sicily, 0039 931 835 243
35. Best place to eat: Kebabs
Bade Miya, Mumbai
An entire Mumbai street gets overrun, nightly, by pilgrims to an unassuming grilled-food vendor on a pavement behind the Taj Hotel. People hunch over rickety outdoor tables, or the hoods of their cars, to gorge on cheap, basic but spectacular kebabs, roti rolls and drumsticks hot from the grill. The chicken tangdi kebab is especially delicious.
Tulloch Road, Apollo Bunder, Mumbai, India
36. Best place to eat: Ravioli
Babbo, New York
"I love the oxtail ravioli with black truffles and pigeon liver sauce at Babbo in New York, my favourite restaurant. It is a simple neighbourhood Italian, but it has a wonderful atmosphere . The only problem is that the restaurant is so busy you have to book a month in advance."
110 Waverly Place, New York, 001 212 777 0303, www.babbonyc.com
37. Best place to eat: Prawns
Casa Bigote, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Spain
"The logo of this restaurant is actually a prawn, and they get their seafood from little dayboats. They serve the local Sanlucar prawn, which is mild and sweet, a bit like a tiger prawn but pinker. They do mantis shrimps too – prehistoric-looking things which taste like white crab meat. They steam them, and really needn't do anything else."
Restaurante Casa Bigote, Bajo de Guia, 10, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz, Andalucía, 0034 956 36 26 96/956 36 32 42
38. Best place to eat: Currywurst
Konnopke's Imbiss, Berlin
The German obsession with currywurst – 800m portions of chopped sausage with sweet curry sauce are consumed each year – reaches its zenith in Berlin, where countless diners and roadside stalls vie for the currywurst crown. It's hard to improve on Konnopke's, which has been serving superlative sausage since 1930 under raised train tracks in Prenzlauerberg. Consume with fries and a cold bottle of Berliner Pilsner for maximum impact.
Schönhauser Allee 44a, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, 0049 30 442 7765, www.konnopke-imbiss.de
39. Best place to eat: Ham
Casas, Aracena, Spain
"Aracena, 40 minutes north of Seville, feels like a frontier town, because north of it is an area the size of Wales of nonstop forest. Here groups of men disappear for months at a time harvesting the cork bark and tending the oak so the iberico pig may gorge on acorns. Black foot ham from nearby Jabugo is some of the finest in the country, and there is nothing better than sitting down in any of the bars and restaurants in Aracena to a plate of this rich delicacy, sliced and served with unpretentious understanding. Last time we were there we had a memorable revueltos (scrambled eggs) with setas (local wild mushrooms) and jamón at Casas."
Calle Colmenetas 41, Aracena, Huelva, Spain, 0034 959/128044
40. Best place to eat: Chocolate cake
Pierre Herme, Paris
"When Pierre Hermé first let me try his heart-shaped Chuao cake, made with blackcurrants and a chuao couverture from Pralus, I totally forgot where I was. It was a firework of aromas, temperatures and textures. The freshness of the fruit flirted with the roundness of the chocolate. Hermé is a genius – one of my chocolate gods. The cake is seasonal and available on demand, and now made with Valrhona, but it is still my favourite in the world."
72, rue Bonaparte, Paris, 0033 01 43 54 47 77, www.pierreherme.com
41. Best place to eat: Fried potatoes
Bomba Bar Cova Fumada, Barcelona
"It's an ancient place, with a marble bar on which they note down what you've had with chalk. Father and son run the bar, while the grandmother and mother look after the stove. Go for the bomba, crushed potato balls with minced meat, bread-crumbed and deep-fried with a spicy sauce."
No 56 Carrer del Baluard, Barceloneta, Barcelona, Spain, 0034 93 221 4061
42. Best place to eat: Octopus
Tholos, Symi, Greece
"On my most recent trip to the Dodecanese islands, outside a tiny taverna in Symi port that overlooked the beautiful bay, we ate monster 4kg octopus cooked in its own water then barbecued and brushed with the juice from the cooking. It was super-tender and crunchy on the outside. The flavours were incredibly intense – the juice had been flavoured with rosemary, garlic and olive oil. The best time to eat octopus here is May or late September."
Gialos, Symi 85600, Islands, Greece, 0030 22460 72033
43. Best place to eat: Bouillabaisse
Restaurant de Bacon, Antibes, France
"The most powerful experience I ever had with a bouillabaisse (Provençal fish stew) was at this restaurant by the sea in Antibes. The place itself is nothing fancy but it's very famous for this dish, and people travel a long way for it. They kill you with the price – it costs an arm and a leg – but it's worth it. They use fish from the region that's been caught that same morning, and bouillabaisse is their speciality: they do it better than anyone else on this planet. It's really an experience."
688 Boulevard de Bacon, 06160 Cap D'Antibes, France, 0033 4 93 61 50 02, www.restaurantdebacon.com
44. Best place to eat: Steak and kidney pie
The Hinds Head, Bray
Heston Blumenthal in his pub, The Hinds Head. Photograph: Karen Robinson
Heston Blumenthal made hundreds of different versions of steak and kidney pie before deciding that oxtail gave the preferred meaty kick. The result is on the menu at his pub, just down the road from The Fat Duck in Bray, and it is beyond spectacular.
High Street, Bray, Berkshire, 01628 626151, www.thehindsheadhotel.com
45. Best place to eat: Pasta
Trattoria Caprini, Verona, Italy
"This little restaurant in Verona makes the most beautiful pasta in the traditional way, rolling it into wafer thin sheets before cutting it into the various shapes. The pasta is rich and eggy with a slightly tough texture that ensures that it doesn't turn sloppy when cooked. We went recently and loved the pasta so much we bought some back for the chefs at the restaurant. It was so delicious that they ate it with just some olive oil – the pasta spoke for itself."
9 Via Paolo Zanotti, Torbe di Negrar di Volpolicella, Verona, Italy, 0039 0457500511, www.trattoriacaprini.it
46. Best place to eat: Ceviche
Sankuay, Lima, Peru
The ceviche craze has gone global in recent years (it now graces the menu at London's Nobu), but to really experience Peru's national dish of raw fish cured in lime juice and hot pepper, you have to venture into the backstreets of Lima. The title of best cebecheria is hotly contested in the Peruvian capital. Javier Wong's Sankuay undoubtedly has the greatest sense of theatre. There's no sign outside, and the building in the anonymous Balconcillo district turns out to be the chef's own home. There are only 10 tables, and no menu. Wong's cebiche, made with lenguado (a type of sole) and accompanied by octopus discs rather than the usual choclo (white maize) and camote (sweet potato), is out of this world.
Garcia Leon 114 (between block 3 and 4 of Av Canada), Santa Catalina, La Victoria, Lima, Peru, 0011 51 1 470 6217
47. Best place to eat: Suckling pig
Montimar, Estellencs, Mallorca
"This restaurant is in the tiny village of Estellencs in Mallorca, where our mother grew up. Every time we come to visit we eat here – you actually have to walk through the terrace of the restaurant to get to our house. The suckling pig is delicious."
Plaça Constitució 7, 07192 Estellencs, Mallorca, 0034 971 618 576
48. Best place to eat: Curry
Karim's, Delhi
In a beehive of rooms off a hectic Old Delhi bazaar, the Zahiruddin family, which once cooked for Mughal emperors, has been serving sumptuous curries and grilled meats since 1913. The butter chicken curry, served in a rich tomato sauce, is as much a landmark as the colossal Jama Masjid at the end of the street. Devotees swear it's the best curry in India and therefore, naturally, the world.
Jama Masjid, Gala Kababian, Old Delhi, India, 0091 11 2326 9880, www.karimhoteldelhi.com
49. Best place to eat: Dim sum
Luk Yu Tea House, Hong Kong
"Hong Kong is the best place for dim sum, and Luk Yu Tea House is a Hong Kong institution. It feels very authentic, and the dim sum they do is of an extremely high quality (it's incredible how they've managed to keep both the quality and the authenticity). The menu hasn't really changed since it opened in 1933. You get things here you won't get anywhere else. They buy the best Chinese ham and grill it in small slices as an appetiser – amazing with a glass of red wine. And they still do incredible egg tarts."
24-26 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong, 00852 2523 5464
50. Best place to eat: Ramen
Ramen Jiro, Tokyo
"People in Japan always say ramen (Japanese noodle soup) can't be this and can't be that. Ramen Jiro is very non-traditional, in your face, take it or leave it. You either love it or hate it, but people who like it are good people. It's got pork, it's got cabbage, it's got garlic, and the sauce is sweet. It's gnarly. There are several branches; my favourite is the one near Keio University."
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Life’s not fair
Our thought processes are controlled by brains that are not always strictly rational. Social and economic forces beyond our control can toss us like plastic bags in the wind. Physical appearances play as large a role, if not larger, in the way we regard others – and the way others regard us. It’s just not FAIR!
With a little thought, I came up with 10 things that just aren’t fair, and some ideas about how to deal with them. I’ve deliberately avoided things having to do directly with race, sex, and other forms of discrimination, hoping instead to focus on more universal unfairnesses. Maybe I’ll come back with a follow-up dealing with those issues at a later date.
1. Packaging makes food taste better.
Strange but true – the way food is packaged, from the label design to the size of portions to the texture of the box, affects our perception of how it tastes. (If you’re academically inclined, you could look at this study of how packaging and taste interact.) Roughly speaking, we identify with certain values the packaging conveys, and that predisposes us to feel more or less favorably about what’s inside.
What to do about it: This is fortunately one of those things where knowing is more than half the battle. Comparing similar foods free of labeling is one way to deal with it – that’s what wine tasters do to avoid biases. And just reminding ourselves not to judge a book – or a food – by its cover helps a lot.
2. People prefer to do business with people they have relationships with, rather than the ones offering the best deal.
We’ll drive miles out of our way to support a local store or a friend’s shop because of the relationship we have with the proprietors. We’ll spend more money on services from friends of friends rather than coldly evaluating all the possible vendors. Again and again, social relationships balance and even outweigh other considerations like cost and convenience.
What to do about it: Develop your social network! While you should certainly focus on providing value in every other way, developing social relationships will often be the thing that gives you the edge over your competitors.
3. Many jobs are never advertised. News travels through social networks instead.
Obviously related to #2 above, this is of major concern given the rough state of employment at the moment. Only a small percentage of jobs are advertised in newspapers and online and even when they are, getting them can still rely heavily on social contacts.
What to do about it: Again, get to work on that social network. Use online networking sites like LinkedIn and niche sites in your field (check out the various networks at Ning) as well as attending (or organizing) local events in your industry. Make sure you announce your availability through every channel available to you – most people will at least try to think whether they know anything suitable for you if they know you’re looking.
4. Attractive people are considered smarter, nicer, and more moral than unattractive people.
“Attractive” is, of course, subjective, but even so: when someone thinks you’re good-looking, they’re more likely to think you’re a good person than if they find you physically unappealing. And vice versa – you’re more likely to think highly of a person you find handsome or pretty than one you find ugly or even average. (Here’s what psychology has to say about our assessment of attractive people.)
What to do about it: Well, one option is plastic surgery, dieting, working out, make-up, etc. but that seems pretty pathetic just to get people to think more highly of you. Since confidence is a big part of what makes people find you attractive, work on projecting confidence in yourself. And, of course, make sure whatever you do has merit in its own right. As far as your opinion of other people, try finding ways to see others as attractive whatever their appearance, and remind yourself when you think poorly of someone that you can easily be mislead by the way they look.
5. We trust other people, even when we think they’re wrong.
Oh, the trials of being a social animal! Far too often , we’ll go with the crowd, even when we think the crowd is wrong. The classic example si a psychological study in which several people, only one of which is not in on it, view three lines of different lengths and asked which is the longest. Everyone says the shortest one is longest, until they get to the actual subject, who knows they’re all wrong but agrees with them anyway so as not so make waves. Other examples include people’s willingness to join lines even when they’re not sure what the line is for, and people’s unwillingness to enter restaurants that are empty.
What to do about it: It’s easy to say “don’t be a sheep” but it’s part of our social nature. We don’t generally want to rock the boat – it’s socially dangerous, and can even be physically dangerous at times. The best we can do most of the time is ask ourselves what, exactly, we have to gain from following other people’s leads. The point isn’t to avoid doing what other people are doing, but to avoid doing it because other people are doing it. If we can determine that we’d do something whether or not others did it, then enjoy!
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