Perşembe, Mart 16, 2006

Günlük İcadınız - 2 gün şarj etmeden taşınabilir bilgisayar kullanın

Taşınabilir bilgisayarınızı IKI GUN sarj etmeksizin sürekli kullanabileceğiniz bir pil, bunun cep telefonlarına uyarlanması durumunda şarj etmeme olayı AY(LAR) seviyesine çıkıyor


Hot-swappable micro Fuel Cell System can run laptop for two days

UltraCell demonstrated its UltraCell XX25 micro fuel cell system at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco today. Powered by a reformed methanol fuel cell technology, the UltraCell XX25 is a pre-production unit designed for the military. Beta testing of the XX25 will begin mid-year, and a commercial version, the UltraCell UC25 could be available by the end of this year. The UltraCell UC25 will run a laptop computer for up to two working days on a single methanol fuel cell cartridge and as these lightweight cartridges are also hot-swappable, the UltraCell systems can run indefinitely without any need for electrical recharging.

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